View Full Version : Driving phobia

princess purple
28-05-13, 17:10
Hi I am new to this site. I used to be able to drive up and down motorways without a care. Now I am barely able to drive faster than 20mph in second gear. I am currently trying hypnotherapy and have tried going out with a retired police driving instructor.
This phobia is so debilitating. I just can't stop putting my foot on the brake and every day is a battle :(

28-05-13, 19:06
well done for driving a manual car i struggle to use gears, i love automatics, ok how about if someone told you you would have to loose you licence how would you feel? would you miss it? if you would then try and change your outlook, like yes i can do this, i am a good safe driver and i am off on my travels, i am very envious of you had to give in my licence in feb due to illness, i miss it so much i cried when i had to send it off, i hope you can overcome your fears blessings

princess purple
02-06-13, 21:00
Thank you so much. I am trying hard every day to overcome this

02-06-13, 23:12
Princess hi and :welcome:
You are not alone in the driving problem part. That is one of my main problems because the big panic attack started when I was driving. I only drive locally now when I can. Getting CBT. Maybe you should ask for referral too.

Catherine S
02-06-13, 23:18
Did anything in particular start the phobia? Or did the anxiety about what MIGHT happen just take over, as it does for most of us.