View Full Version : our tour of scotland HORROR

28-05-13, 21:18
hi guys grab yourself a cup of tea/coffee and have a good laugh/cry.we started our 17 days on the 11th May.the 1st camping site we stayed at was down in the valley no phone signal on 4 different tarriffs.it was raining so hard we had to sit in the van for over 2 hours before my hubby and son could put our sons tent up.we could not move out of our seats has the van was stuffed from the back all the way through to the middle.hubby was on one seat at the back.the rain continude all through the night.our sons tent started to leak in the early hours and by the morning his airbed was dripping wet.the following night down came the snow yes snow and because we were not on a elec hook up we could not even have the heater on.we were frozen.in the middle of the night my hubby was so cold he put his day clothes back on and slept in them.the following night the wind decided to pay us a visit.it blew so hard that one of the tent poles broke and the front of the tent was just flapping in the gales.our wind shield on the outside of the van tore into 2 pieces and therefore people could see in the van (while we were asleep)good job i had a nightie on.the following night camping site we stayed on was about 2ft from the edge of a loch and they had to secure our van with wire cables has the wind was very fierce.son could not sleep in his tent so the owner said that he could stay the night in one of thier vans,what they didnt tell him was that the 2 dogs slept in there during the day.on another night his tent blew down altogether and ripped the side so had to buy another one has we had another 13 days to go.over the 17 days we had either rain/snow/misty/gales/2 days of some sort of sunny days.on many of nights we had to sleep in a van that was rocking so much you thought we were at sea.we even crossed on the ferry to the isle of skye and were told we had to remain seated for the whole journey has it was very rough.on another fun packed day my hubby/son went to see the glenfionan monument,i went and had a nice cup of coffee in the cafe and done a bit of theraphy shopping.i spent £9.99 on a wollen scarf which i only took off when i was ready to sleep and i put it back on when i got dressed in the morning.i also brought a woolen blanket which cost £49.99 at the time i could have cryed but over the following days i was really pleased that i had brought it.when hubby/son came back we got in the van and we were about 10 miles into the journey when my hubby said that the umbrella he t ook with him he had left it behind up on the mountain,he put it up by a tree while he took some videos.another day my son said that he had lost his works bus pass,they said what had i lost for some reason i turned to them and said i had lost the will to live.we all then just looked at one another and started to laugh,if anyone should have seen us they would have thought what a load of nutters.the days carried on with new adventures/mishaps every day,my hubby/son went up on the mountains and had to come down within a few mins my son had a nose bleed which lasted so long we had to find him a hospital.they said it was due to going up the mountains 2/3 times a day.on another day my hubby/son was in a castle and i was sat in the van on my kindle (so i was happy)when my mobile rang it was from my granddaughters school,telling me that my granddaughter was not well so could i pick her up from school.when i told them that i was in scotland they said that they would contact her mum (my daughter)after another 5 minutes they rang again to say that they could not get in touch with my daughter.i told them to leave it with me and i would send a sos message through the tanhoys.my daughter was at a meeting but i made sure that she got a message some how,i even sent a text to her mobile and office phone.about a hour later my daughter phoned and said that she had now picked up my granddaughter and was safe at home.in the evening when i was thinking about all that went on i was very pleased with the way i handled the situation.i did not panic at all.infact all what happened in those 17 days i had one little panic which lasted about 15 mins and i soon had that under control.i even met someone who also suffers from panic attacks and we spent a good couple of hours just talking and feeling quite relax about the situation.his name was Christian and he came from germany we even cuddled each other when we left. now i have been home for one day its quite boring lol.sorry its been a long post but if i have cheered just one person up for a few mins i would be happy.
hope you are all having a better day has they go on.

28-05-13, 21:27
Wow that sounds like a very eventful holiday!! Its good that you can look back and giggle at the mishaps :)

28-05-13, 21:35
Wow that sounds like a very eventful holiday!! Its good that you can look back and giggle at the mishaps :)
Thanks Bekzie
i know that this holiday will be one that we remember for a long time to come.:)

28-05-13, 22:54
Hey Jean,

It really does sound like you had quite the adventure. I'm sorry it didn't pan out quite the way you'd planned but its safe to say thats its a holiday you won't forget in a hurry :) You made me giggle, thanks Jean.

Hope you've managed to thaw out by now!

All the best

29-05-13, 09:35
It's great that you went out and did it Jean, that's quite a feat for someone with anxiety and panic. Thanks for sharing it with us, it did make me smile and took my mind off how I feel for a few minutes

29-05-13, 10:17
I love it Jean! I showed your post to my partner and we had a good chuckle. You did far better than I would have done. I'd have packed up and gone home at the first sign of trouble so good for you. You'll always have a memorable holiday to look back on, that's for sure!


29-05-13, 13:36
Hey Jean,

It really does sound like you had quite the adventure. I'm sorry it didn't pan out quite the way you'd planned but its safe to say thats its a holiday you won't forget in a hurry :) You made me giggle, thanks Jean.

Hope you've managed to thaw out by now!

All the best
Afternoon Hannah now ive been back home for 2 days i find its a bit boring now.lol

---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:19 ----------

It's great that you went out and did it Jean, that's quite a feat for someone with anxiety and panic. Thanks for sharing it with us, it did make me smile and took my mind off how I feel for a few minutes
Hi Sam
glad that you had a little smile over this,i reliaze now what a lot we had been through.ready for another hol now.lol

---------- Post added at 13:25 ---------- Previous post was at 13:24 ----------

It's great that you went out and did it Jean, that's quite a feat for someone with anxiety and panic. Thanks for sharing it with us, it did make me smile and took my mind off how I feel for a few minutes
Hi Sam
glad that you had a little smile over this,i reliaze now what a lot we had been through.ready for another hol now.lol

---------- Post added at 13:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

I love it Jean! I showed your post to my partner and we had a good chuckle. You did far better than I would have done. I'd have packed up and gone home at the first sign of trouble so good for you. You'll always have a memorable holiday to look back on, that's for sure!

Hi Pip
thanks for reading and sharing with your partner,i ithink the reason i had coped so well was due to the fact that i had my husband and son with me.the only time i was on my own for more than 2 hours was when they went on a ferry/coach trip.they left at 8.30 in the morning till 8.45 in the evening.i still had lots of people on the camp site(admit strangers).i did keep my self occupied by kindle,internet limited,suduko,card making.

29-05-13, 14:10
Wow, Jean I cant believe how bad the weather was, rain, leaky tents and all!!!!
And then snow........!!!!
I'm really not surprised you were frozen; I think at that point I would probably have cried.
Like you said, it was a good job you had a nightie on when your wind shield on the outside of the van tore in half..... so windy - again unbelievable.
I would never have made that crossing to the isle of skye on a ferry; not even in good weather; you are truly amazing for doing that.....
At least you had coffee/cake & shopping!!
Your retort to ""what have you lost"?..... "i had lost the will to live" did make me laugh.
I loved your post, it wasnt too long!!! It was fully of indicent & drama; I mean... hospitals... blood, emergency phonecalls.... You really did cope so well, I am really impressed.
I'm glad you're pleased with how you handled it; you deserve to be.
And striking up a friendship with Christian was the icing on the cake for you I should imagine.

I think you qualify for a special award:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:) ..The Special Award for. :)
:) isawardedtoJean :)
:) for amazing accomplishments :)
:)....in bonnie Scotland!!.... :)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

29-05-13, 15:40
Thanks for posting, it made me giggle. You certainly won't forget that holiday in a hurry and well done on just getting down and getting on with it x

Granny Primark
29-05-13, 15:52
Im sorry im laughing me head off.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Sorry but the moral of this story is dont go on holiday in this country.
Sadly im doing virtually the same myself next week.:wacko::lac:
But im sure wel have an heatwave!:yahoo:

Vanilla Sky
29-05-13, 17:20
Oh dear , I live in the north of Scotland and this year was the worst May for a while . We have had 4 seasons in one day not unusual I might add. At least you see the funny side of it , I too would have packed up and went home lol.
Hope it hasnt put you off visiting Scotland again ! But even June July August can be dodgy too, but I assure you when it is nice weather it is absolutely beautiful , no wonder with all the rain we get :D

29-05-13, 17:59
Jean I loved reading the story of your holiday and how well you coped with everything. You lasted the full time of the holiday too which you thought you wouldn't. Well done!! xx

29-05-13, 18:05
Sorry if this is inappropriate Jean but I LOVED this. It made me laugh out loud at the "lost the will to live" and the nightie bit.

This is one of those holidays that you'll look back on in years to come and just have a great old laugh about. Spending such precious time with our families is something to treasure forever and none of you will ever forget this holiday. Thanks for sharing xx

29-05-13, 22:04
Thanks to all you fab people on here, for the wonderful replies.i went to see the CBT today which was the 2nd time and he was very happy with the way i took every thing in my stride.especialy the granddaughter situation,like many of you on here we have to feel that we are in control.i even drove around Scotland (the whole 1,734 miles)myself.my son would have taken over at any point if i needed him to.
hope everyone is feeling a little bit happier every day.
sending love to each and everyone.