View Full Version : panic attack, separating from partner

01-10-06, 08:05
hi can anyone please reply...having bad attack at moment, woke up with one an hour ago, not had one full blown for a while. very scared and shaking, feeling sick etc. decided on thursday to seperate from partner of 8 years. feel like i'm living in a surreal world, can't quite believe it. feeling very stressed, didn't help myself by staying out until 4 this morning which made him upset and now he drove off at 5am. don't know what to do, guess panic was bit inevitable? but am in such a mess. please, just want to know someone else is there and i'm not alone in feeling completely mad and out of control.

01-10-06, 08:17
hun we are here for you, if you need to talk then we can go into chat if you like. you will be just fine remember that.

sam x

01-10-06, 08:19
Hi Kerry,

You are not alone! You made a big decision, in the long run you will built up confidence. In the meantime accept this is a stressful time but try to focus on the future.
Sit down and take a few reassuring breaths and read all the posts on here to take your mind off it. When you are feeling calmer try to take a nap, we all know lack of sleep makes things worse.

We are here for you (((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 08:42
Hi Kerry,

Separation is one of the most stressful times, I went through it last year after 12 years !!!

You have had hardly any sleep, which doesn't help, make things feel twice as worse, plus the added bonus of him driving off, lots of stress going on hun xx

Like magic sheep said said I always find having a little read through some posts calms me down, nice deep breaths, cup of tea. It will pass.

Tara xx

Smile...it confuses people.

01-10-06, 08:53
thankyou all-i have been reading through posts on here trying to distract myself. i think given my 'issues'-anxiety, have p/a's depression in past i did well to make the decision. it has been brewing for long while but needed courage to face it and say it.
now feel lost, so much to organise, will i lose the house, that kind of thing. he was upset that i didn't come in until 4, for which i apologised and meant it. don't know where he's gone.
have to get to work for 3pm so want to be calm-panicking about how long this will last, will it happen when i next wake up. it was strange becuase i was dreaming panic dreams, then woke up trying to get my breath and thinking i was going to be sick.
i have my relaxation cd on and am going for a shower to keep moving. been for so long without one like this it has scared me. thankyou-sorry for rambling.......

01-10-06, 09:13
Kerry you did do well and you realise you did, thats a big step!
We all deal with things in different ways, he obviiously is dealing with things by spending some time alone to think. Try not to worry too much, easier said than done i know.

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 10:08
Hi Kerry,sorry your going through such a bad time at the mo.You are not alone,try going in the chat room.Lots of lovely people here pet to support you.(((((((((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))))))).Stay strong.
take care

Ellen XX

01-10-06, 22:03
well done for being sooooo brave, its hard to let go sometimes but in the next few days i am sure you will feel much better now you have made the decision.
big hugs to you, i know how youre feeling and how scarey it is but you will be fine.

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

01-10-06, 22:53
thankyou for your replies and thoughts they mean a lot. i am sure i will be back here soon! each day as it comes.

01-10-06, 23:00
Give yourself a hug and remind yourself that you are your own best friend and that you are going to look after yourself through this stressful time. Then do exactly that!!!!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-10-06, 23:05
Hi Kerry,

Despite the panic and unhappiness you are going through, please be proud on yourself that you made a break for it after thinking about the decision. It's a brave thing that you have done and my guess is that your panic/anxiety would have got worse had you got yourself trapped in this relationship.

You are of course feeling deep pain now, and others here will have experence of break-ups, but for now take each day at a time, thinking that your life will change for the better in time.




And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-10-06, 11:47
thankyou for your support and replies. they mean a lot.

02-10-06, 11:59
Hi Kerry,

Hope your PA is easing now, we are all here for you take care it is going to be a bumpy ride for a little while!

Hugs to you
