View Full Version : Angry with untidy house, tips please

28-05-13, 22:33
I've had health anxiety for years now and its got to the point where I get really worried that living in a dirty house could affect my health

i got over that, but i think ive got a very small case of ocd.

I am only happy and calm when the house is clean and perfect and i snap at anyone who trys to make it untidy i have children so i imagine you feel my pain!

I have a very very small house that always seems untidy and smelly even tho i try my best to tidy im always up doing things around the house

i have a cat and children as i said, but what i'd love is a fresh smelling house as it makes me alot happier and reduces my anxiety but its impossible! im always smelling the litter tray, and when we make food it stays in the house for a long time, i feel the only thing you can smell is food and i go in friends houses and they smell so lovely and im a clean person why cant mine smell the same!! i get embarrassed when people come in mine
id love to buy those plug ins but im scared there bad for your health,
my washing smells lovely but the only place i can keep it is in the kitchen as theres no room else where.

So please give me tips on keeping my house smelling fresh and lovely.
what daily routine do you do to keep your house smelling nice? love some tips as most days i feel like crying because of it!


28-05-13, 23:19

Im pretty much the same but my job is cleaning so I kinda do it a lot LOL

I have 3 children at home (4 when my eldest stays) and they are the most messiest children ever lol, I to lose my temper about it.

My son is only 16months old so you can imagine the smell of nappies that freely roams the house lol, also we havnt long moved into our new house but the old tenants were filthy i.e vastly overgrowm garden, holes in all the walls, I wasn't happy LOL

Plug-ins are not harmful, my ex partner has 2 and the only harmful thing I know about them is there ability to make me jump like mad as soon as it hiss's at me lol.

Hope this helps a bit,
NEIL xxx