View Full Version : Hair Loss

28-05-13, 23:52
I am so glad I found this forum; it's exactly me! I seem to regularly stress about various ailments even tho I'm 27!

My latest stress/anxiety is about hair loss. For about 3 weeks now I've been losing strands of hair. They seem to fall out easily when I run my fingers through my hair, some on the pillow and lots when I wash my hair!

I've tried self help measures; I've laid off the straighteners, tried to keep my hair up but still it's coming out.

Went to the dr today who sent me for blood tests for thyroid/ iron etc but now I am worrying about the results (got a week to wait!). I have long dark brown hair and it doesn't seem to be thinning although I am worried about the section at the back of my head, although I only think I'm now looking for patches!! And worried that my hair will get thin or I'll bald!

Any advice??!

29-05-13, 00:08
I'm only 20 and have the exact same problems as you. I noticed it started happening around 3 years ago, I really think it's apart of my anxiety because 3 years ago is when it started to become worse.

I've af blood tests done and everything is fine, I bet yours will be too. :)

30-06-13, 17:14
Well.. I thought I should update with what happened next!

I finally got the blood test results and have discovered that my iron levels are very low! (9 to be precise!) I've going that interesting to believe since the only symptom has been slight hair loss! I thought my tiredness was just normal from a busy work day!!

The doctor gas prescribed me with liquid iron (can't swallow tablets!) and I've got to take it for 3 months and then they'll test my iron levels again to see if there's any improvement! In the meantime he wants to find the cause of the drop- since I don't have heavy periods and am not a vege/vegan. He's testing me for ceoliac disease!!

Anyone else experienced this? I'm worried about the results; what if its ceoliac- well that's a whole diet change! But what if its not? Are they going to start exploring me for something serious?? I'm scared by that prospect! Will my hair start to gain strength as I take the iron medicine? And what are the side effects of liquid iron- somewhere I've read it can make you sick!!


30-06-13, 17:21
I take iron tablets, they have never made me sick, your bowel movements may change colour black green colour dont panic you will be fine blessings

30-06-13, 18:32
OMG!!! i WAS GOING to post an exactly same post just now until i cam across yours!! I cannot believe there is someone out there who has the same problem like mine. I am 27 as well and i am indian, i used to have lovely,thick hair and now it feels so thin and it falls everytime, strands when i wash it, when i sleep, wherever im sitting it falls, i cant help but worry. I dont know if its stress or what but im worried plus i have this whole swollen eye problem, i still have yet to go to the doctor,my family are not even supportive at the least, they see my symptoms but just say use this or use that as if my problem is minor, i hope i dont lose my hair before i reach 30 :(

30-06-13, 20:00
My normally unbelievably thick hair has been falling out like anything too, though my iron levels are fine apparently even though I am a vegetarian. Docs think I may have a condition which causes low blood volume though, and so can have many of the same symps as low iron. Never thought this could actually be causing the hair loss; I'm lucky I had so much to begin with cos I've literally lost about half of it. Was putting it down to the ridiculous stress of my illness. Could still just be that I suppose.

01-07-13, 00:39
OMG, this is what I have been worrying about - a new thing for me. I used to have thick hair, I noticed that it has been falling in strands, this has been happening for a long time, and this is first time I noticed - I have noticed that hair strands has been falling into my clothes, on the floor, sitting down etc...I am getting worried about this. It could be linked to my mystery illness at the moment - vibrations, etc. I am worried it might be linked to radiation. Mum said that I am getting old, and she has the same thing happen to her, she still got hair, and she is in her 60s. I am now taking vitamins and using different shampoo and conditioner to see how that would help.

Starry xx

01-07-13, 21:24
I am scared I will be bald by the time i reach 30, im lucky i also had a lot of hair to begin with but now it feels so less,thin and frail. This is unreal,i never thought old age would be catching up to me when im 27.

09-07-13, 01:12
I am getting worried about this now - I have found lots of strands on my bed and it is falling out lots every day. I don't know what is wrong with my hair and I am 34. I used to have thick hair when I was younger, and I miss it very much. My hair is long, but I only have my hair cut once a year, and could that be the reason? I still have thick hair but feels like it is thinning slowly.

Have other symptoms too but does anyone have suggestions how to grow back my hair?

Starry x

24-12-13, 09:40
Am panicking, I had the follow up blood test 2 weeks ago now and the doctor has requested a follow up appointment with me!!! Am worrying about what is wrong with me!! I feel really I'm the dark as the receptionist didn't seem to know the results of the blood test but just said that I needed to book an appointment; so I am totally in the dark!!!