View Full Version : Why am I like this?

01-10-06, 08:51
I am sitting here crying, fed up with worrying about stupid things. It seems to me that the things I worry about, other people would not give a second thought to. I suffer from health anxiety also but this is fine at the moment (I shouldn't have said that should I) but now its the other anxiety. I can be going along just fine and then someone will say something or something will happen and off I go. I couldn't sleep last night for thoughts going around and around in my head. I get so churned up about the silliest things. We have just booked a holiday for next year but want to change the dates and I am worrying about this- what if we loose our deposit, what happens if we take the kids out of school etc. How ridiculous is this? Thats the way I am. Expecting the worst out of every situation. Just last week I was worrying about something else. What can I do? Is anyone else like this? Sorry for going on but thanks for listening, it feels good to get this off my chest.

01-10-06, 09:15
hi LT. i get like that sometimes too, not always, but quite a lot. it seems i get 'obssessed' with a particular thought and can think out every possible scenario and often get convinced that they are true or will happen. i have always had ana ctive imagination, even as child. talking it out does help. best wishes. you're not alone.!

01-10-06, 09:21
Hiya Hun,

You have just got me down to a T, you are not alone.
I do get overwhelmed but I try to rationalise things, think what is the worse that could happen and would it be really that bad?
It's disecting the problem in small pieces and once we think along those lines it's not so bad after all.

Please feel free to PM me anytime.

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 09:40
I'm exactly like that too, 24/7 [:I]


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

01-10-06, 10:13
I can relate totally to what you say, it seems like our brains go into overdrive
and won't let you stop worrying or getting anxious.
Stick around here and you will see you are so not alone in this.
I like magicsheep's approach well worth giving it a try.
Any how hope this gives you a bit of support.
Take care.


02-10-06, 09:39
Thanks for the replies. I am feling a bit better today. I do just get carried away with things and totally over-react and I've got to learn not to do this. At least I know I am not the only one.

03-10-06, 21:43
Hi LT I'll tell you the reason your like this.Your anxiety, panic attacks etc started because you worried excessively, because you were in a stressful environment, or something happened that made you worry a lot etc.Your constant worry made your nervous system become overactive.Your nervous system is made of two parts, the voluntary and the involuntary.The voluntary nervous system is under your conscious control hence its name, and it allows you to move your arms and legs etc.The involuntary nervous system however is not under your conscious control instead it responds to your mood.Also the involuntary nervous system controls the functioning of certain organs (for eg the heart) and glands (for eg the adrenal glands, which release adrenaline).When you experience the moods of fear, anger, concern etc your involuntary nervous system is stimulated causing your heart to beat fast, your stomach to churn etc.When you worry a lot your nervous system becomes tired or fatigued, as you are making it work a lot.When it becomes faitigued it becomes more sensitive to the slightest stimulus.In other words the smallest thing makes you panic, ie your heart beat fast etc.You may heart a door slam and jump for eg.Your nervous system is protesting to all the work you are making it do.

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

03-10-06, 21:57
OOHHHH Nooth didnt we all say bye to you as you were leaving last week? guess you couldnt stay away huh lol ?

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

04-10-06, 09:32
Noothmay, thanks for your reply. I have read quite a lot about anxiety and know what you say is correct. I know my nervous system is highly sensitive and that is why I react the way I do to certain events. I wish I could just accept things and not get so wound up. I have never actually had a panic attack but I know how awful they are as a friend of mine used to suffer from them. I still get the other symptoms such as loss of appetite, increased heart rate etc. My anxiety comes in waves. I can be fine, then it comes, I get over it, I'm fine again then it comes back. It sometimes seems as if I am searching for something to worry about. As if I need a reason to be worried and that is why my anxiety always seems to be related to either a health problem or a specific event. Its just good to know that other people understand what I am going through and I am so grateful that I have found this site.

04-10-06, 10:38
I'm sitting here after having a gud cry but having read your posting its almost as though i wrote it.I worry needlessly over silly things until they are all blown out of proportion.I know i'm doing it but cant stop.Its so reassuring to know that i'm not the only one