View Full Version : Panic Disorder due to Health Anxiety, OCD & GAD

29-05-13, 08:38
:scared15: Hi everyone, obviously am new here. I have had anxiety all my life - as far back as I can remember. I "suffered" in silence all through primary school, all through high school, into my early 20's. It wasn't till my late 20's that my dr diagnosed me with Panic Disorder and finally I was put on medication to help. I felt such releif as I always knew that it wasn't normal to feel the way I did I wasn't fixed by any means and tablets alone didn't really do all that much - yea they helped a little but I will still getting full on panic attacks at the inkling of any new bodily sensation. So fast forward to me now in 2013, Im still suffering and struggling on a daily basis to keep those thoughts at bay. I have been to numerous Psycho Dr's as well as doing CBT but I became lazy and didn't follow through on the exercises I was supposed to do. I thought I was well, but I now realize that I will never be normal, I will never be well unless I put in an effort to understand myself and the way my brain and body works and that is something I have to work on every day. This isn't my whole story off course, only a teeny weeny snippet, I look forward to reading your own personal journeys and stories.

29-05-13, 13:50
Hi hheavenlyangel.
I'm so sorry that you had suffer for so long in silence. I get the awful feeling that waves through my body and then the thought start they go from feeling slightly under the weather to feeling like I'm dying of cancer. I can have these feelings for weeks at a time an do no what I feel isn't real as they come and go but it's hard to convince yourself of that. I hope reading other people's stories will help. Definitely makes you aware that your not alone. Xx