View Full Version : How often do you check your stools?

29-05-13, 10:21
I'm not having a very easy time with my HA at the moment which is focused on bowel cancer. I've been trying not to check my stools as it really panics me- the question is how much should you check? Am I safe to not look?

29-05-13, 11:04
Yes you are, its not about looking every day that's not the problem, its looking and seeing something that's not there, or not believing what you see, what are you actually looking for, and when you say you look erm in what way ?

29-05-13, 15:36
Well I've had an episode of rectal bleeding after a fissure so I'm looking for blood (I did it before the fissure but I'm more obsessive now). Sometimes I just look in the bowl/ on the tissue but sometimes I actually take the stools out (I know that's disgusting, I can't believe I do that either...)

I feel much happier not looking, the doctor says i dont have cancer so there's no need to worry myself, but i feel like I'm being reckless with my health.

29-05-13, 15:43
Are you lactose intolerant?

My boyfriend has bloody stools if he gets to stressed out. He had every test known to man done and the doctor says its stress related. Hope this makes you feel a little bit better...not everything is chalked up to cancer. (I need to tell MYSELF that more)

29-05-13, 16:15
I'm not lactose intolerant as far as I know. The bleeding was attributed to the fissure as it was actually bleeding when the doc checked it.