View Full Version : Here I am.

01-10-06, 10:04
For me it seems the last 4 weeks have been the hardest time Ive ever had to go through. 4 weeks ago I was 1 day away from taking my first trip overseas. I had been waiting for this moment for years and I thought this would be the time of my life. The day before while doing some last minute shopping I all of a sudden felt dizzy and sick and that I was going to die. When I got home I felt worse, I didnt want to worry anybody and so I called an Ambulance, when they arrived I felt somewhat better and they pointed out to me that I had what was refered to as an "Anxiety Attack". Why me??? That night was horrible and the next day I still didnt feel good. I managed to get to the Doctor to get some tablets to calm me down and later that day I jumped on a plane and headed to Thailand. Yipeee !!! Once I got to singapore (stop over) I felt great and myself again. After about 4 days in Thailand I had a motorbike accident and spent 3 days in Hospital. Being overseas by myself where not many people can speak English was very hard, I had no Friends and Family and I had stages where again I felt like I was going crazy and kept asking myself "What's Heppening to me". I thought I was going to die or I was going mad. With the injuries I had and my spending money being spent on Medical Bills I wanted to come home. My 4 week trip overseas ended after 1 week and it turned out to be a very stressfull and emotional time. Coming back home I was hoping would bring me back to the the Happy and Friendly person I was, instead it seems every day has been a struggle, I hate the mornings and Like going to bed. I find it hard to be me again and have moments where I feel sick and have thoughts of harm and losing control. For me this has been the hardest part as those thoughts can be scary and tend to worry me allot and I think what the hell why am I thinking these things. My doctor has been about as friendly as a Rattle Snake and I decided to see a Psychologist to talk about what was happening and my feelings. This has been a good start. There is allot of information on the internet and I found this site to be fantastic, its nice to know I'm not alone. Looking back the hole 4 weeks as highlighted allot of things I need to change in my life. I know I'll overcome it and I'm looking forward to being me again. :)

01-10-06, 10:28
Hi Webbooo,

Welcome to the site.

Firstly well done you in actually going over there in the first place, one week out of four is an achievement, you could have backed out all together.

Is there any other doctors at the surgery you could go to? Perhaps even change surgeries, if you can.

I came to the same conclusion as you regarding my life, things need to be altered and things being thrown away. My family is important to me and I try to only worry about the things that are improtant to me now, rather than everything. I won't say it's easy and I manage it successfully all the time but i'm learning and some improvement is better than nothing.

If you ever like a chat pm me.

You'll get loads of support here, they are fab!

Love Magicsheep

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 10:44
Hi Webbooo,

A big warm welcome to you. Glad you have joined us.

Take Care


01-10-06, 12:33
hi webbooo

welcome to NMP. Hope you find it as helpful as I hav in your recovery

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

01-10-06, 13:39

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here and make some new friends too!

x x

01-10-06, 16:42
welcome to the forum. you will find lots of help and advice here.

01-10-06, 17:34
hi webbo, i can relate to your post, you will find alot of support on this site it has definately helped me.

so welcome to nmp and i wish you well.

take carexxxxxx


01-10-06, 17:38
hello , welocome you have come to the right place.At least you achieved something that i have difficulty with.I ca,nt seem to get on a plane,i should be in Rhodes now but backed out at the last minute,just could not do it:( I,s not like i,ve never flown before .Why can,t i do it anymore?Here i,m sure is where i will find the answer,thankyou nmp. lorraine:)

01-10-06, 17:41
Hi webbo and welcome.You will get lots of support here.
take care

Ellen XX

Granny Primark
01-10-06, 17:50

Youve obviously had a really bad experience.
When you suffer with anxiety and panic it changes your personality totally. You want to be that confident happy person you once were but its a real struggle.
Im sure you will soon be that person you once were. I really admire your optimism.
I was due to go to Turkey last year but had a panic attack on the day of departure and couldnt go. At least you got on the plane and that was so brave of you.

Take care

01-10-06, 17:58

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

polly daydream
01-10-06, 18:50
Hi Webbooo and welcome to the forum.


01-10-06, 19:21
Hi Webboo

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


01-10-06, 19:52
welcome to the site


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

01-10-06, 19:59
A big welcome to the site:) - your story will strike a chord with many, it certainly did with me.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-10-06, 21:24
Hi, and a warm welcome to you.

Your life has been thrown in turmoil, but let's look at the positives:-

You got to Thailand despite your attack

You found a psychologist independent of your doctor

You found this site

AND you survived

What's more you said that you will get better. And if you have the belief in that you are halfway there!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-10-06, 06:47
Thanks very much guys,

I really appreciate the kind messages. Your the best.


02-10-06, 09:31
Ello Webbooo,

A big welcome to the site. Great support and advice here. Glad to have you on board.

Take care,


02-10-06, 12:44
hiya, the exact same thing happened to me when i was taking my children abroad for the first time. This happened in 2002 and it is very scary, and you do think your going mad, you keep looking for someone with a straight jacket to come and get you!! lol. My gp sent me on an anxiety management course, and this helped a lot. It explained what happens to your body, and once you know what it is thats happening and that your not going mad, it does help. ask your gp to refer you. If your worried at any time, feel free to pm me, probably had same symtoms as you. take care x

02-10-06, 12:45
hiya, the exact same thing happened to me when i was taking my children abroad for the first time. This happened in 2002 and it is very scary, and you do think your going mad, you keep looking for someone with a straight jacket to come and get you!! lol. My gp sent me on an anxiety management course, and this helped a lot. It explained what happens to your body, and once you know what it is thats happening and that your not going mad, it does help. ask your gp to refer you. If your worried at any time, feel free to pm me, probably had same symtoms as you. take care x