View Full Version : So sinusy today

29-05-13, 11:21
Really burning sinus's today,
slept better last night but its getting me down, sore of pressuring around my temples.
I had the walk in centre last night and everything checked out fine, is sinus pressure something i have to treat myself?

29-05-13, 12:38

I constantly suffer with my sinsuses and the best home treatment is to steam you face over a bowl of boiling water with a drop of albas oil of vicks vapour rub in it. It works wonders for me. YOu could also speak to the pharmasist they might recommend a nasal decongestant for you.

take care


29-05-13, 12:51
ive just taken 2 sinus relief caps, i'll try and keep on top of those, and try your suggestion, thank you.
Do you get like the burning? im not bunged up as such but its a little stuffy.
Also i didnt have my sinus checked i just meant BP and temp etc

29-05-13, 13:10
I get really bad burning in the sinuses above my eyes, its awful isnt it :sad:

If you had a sinus infection you would most likely have a temperature so that would have been picked up last night.

29-05-13, 13:25
My sinusus are bad I use otrivine works well for me you can buy it over the counter about 2 quid

29-05-13, 13:47
thanks guys will give it a try then x