View Full Version : Something wrong with blood results

29-05-13, 11:46
Well today I was getting my blood results for swollen neck glands which I posted about last week.

Shock and horror, the surgery phoned me yesterday unexpectedly saying I had a message from the Doctor. I called up shaking like hell and was told the Dr wants to see me to discuss the results and they suggested next Monday.

I told the receptionist I am not waiting that long and need to spk to someone sooner - she said I could have a telephone consultation Thursday. I pushed her for the test results cos I was worried to death and she told me she wasn't qualified to talk about it but it was relating to my Iron levels.

OMG so now I have done LOADS of research about this - low iron is NOT common in men and so most common cause is stomach bleeding.

I am terrified because for nearly 2 and a half years I have had stomach problems which mimic stomach ulcer but the doctors have never referred me and even told me to just control it with my diet! They never said it was an ulcer but im convinced it was. Now i am worried it has progressed to cancer and worst still, it has spread to my lymph nodes.

My neck glands are SLOWLY getting better but still not right.

I only said to my mom on the phone last week that my stomach has been better recently but now since last night I am experiencing pain.

Am i over-reacting?

29-05-13, 12:15

I know this is really worrying but just keep in mind that they were going to leave it until next Monday before they saw you which is nearly a week.

They wouldn't leave it that long if they were really concerned.

I don't know much about iron levels in men but honestly if you had to push to get a telephone call it really doesn't sound like they are that worried.

A friend of mine had diverticulitus which is a bowel problem, she had blood tests and the following evening the doctor actually called at her house because she was that concerned about her blood test results and that was for a condition which is very treatable and manageable.

Another friend of mine had blood tests for diabtetes and within 24 hours the doctor was on the phone and had her in the surgery the next day for loads of different tests, again a serious condition but controllable with medication and diet.

We always assume the worst it's in our nature but even in the worst case scenario it was due to bleeding which it's probably not it could be an ulcer which is very very treatable.

Try not to worry they would not have suggested an appt next week and if they were that worried you wouldn't have had to push for a call back, the reaction would have been "i'lll get the doctor to call you immediately or you would have been asked to go in on an emergency appointment.

Take care

29-05-13, 12:41
Thanks, I have thought a lot about the fact they were going to wait until Monday and even are allowing a telephone call - so they are not very concerned. The receptionist kept saying on the phone it was for a routine appointment.

The thing I am worried about is that they do not know I am still suffering stomach problems, so it's only me putting two and two together at the moment.

I do take some comfort from my glands feeling better, probably about 90% better.

29-05-13, 14:45

I'm glad you are feeling almost 100% better. I know what its like to get a call from the doctor about test results - so worrying! I can say though that in my case every time they've called me back its been for something very benign and been a bit of a waste of time.. I think they are obliged to tell you if anything is even slightly out of the normal range.

I hope it goes OK - it could even be analysis error or they mucked up the test or something.

Space x

29-05-13, 14:54
thanks spacebunnyx

I never thought of it like that, i suppose they have a duty of care to tell you if anything is flagged up - be it minor or major.

i have a phone appointment tomorrow lunchtime so everything crossed. i would much prefer a face to face but cant have that until monday. I have kept an appointment for monday just incase my worries are not put at ease.

As soon as this issue is dealt with I am to see someone about my anxiety, it is taking over my life.

29-05-13, 15:51
Hi Darren, I have to say I have been and still am going through the same thing as you regarding swollen glands and neck pain. Although I have had loads of blood test and the doctors cannot find anything (still have stiff neck and swollen lymph nodes 2 months on !!!) No point going back as they are not going to do anything different so I just have to wait for something to get worse.. Anyway I hope your neck is improving ? Regarding your low iron levels do you know how low they are ? I would think they are not significantly low or the Doc would have had you straight in. It could be something as simple as your diet...Do you eat well ? I know when I am at my worst with anxiety my diet is awful..What I do eat is rubbish...Try not to worry (easier said than done I know) but really the docs would of had you in straight away if they were overly concerned.

30-05-13, 09:04
My glands feel slightly more enlarged today :(

Could be from poking them so much though.

I have my doctors call at 12.30, I get the feeling he will be a bit surprised I am calling in for a telephone consultation when he had asked for a routine appointment. Sorry I am not going to wait a week to speak to someone!

30-05-13, 14:35

Well I have spoken to the doctor on the phone who explained the result. He said that my iron level is actually on the high side which is most unusual!

He also said that my liver function test showed a little abnormality. He said that all other blood levels were fine, no signs of leukemias or cancers.

Repeat blood test booked for 2 weeks and if iron is still high then i will need to see a specialist.

I know its bad but Ive had a quick google and high iron doesn't seem serious and easily treated. Not sure about the liver test though :-s

30-05-13, 15:15
Did he say which Liver tests were high - one or two of them specifically point to alcohol use - not sure if you drink or not?

30-05-13, 15:59

Yes he said that my blirubin level was fractionally high but was not concerned, just something to keep an eye on.
I am a heavy drinker and binge drink so I am wondering....

All blood counts were normal and they even compared against a blood test I had a year ago.