View Full Version : New to the site xxx

29-05-13, 13:11
I've been suffering with anxiety disorder since June of last year. I'm only 24 and over the years have had some pretty bad things to deal with. My mum got cancer ( has been cured), I lost my baby at 21 weeks pregnant, my mum had a still born baby, had a lot of hospital stays with my mum due to her being of ill health. I am the eldest of my brother and sisters so have always taken charge of the situation and looked after everyone. I mean when I had to have induced labour that lasted 14 hours with my angel baby I wouldn't let family come with me as I did not want them to go through such turmoil. Loosing my baby is something that has killed me everyday since it happend and I have a lot of issues with what happend. I've always been able to get on with my like and let the bad things go but in June last year my grandad got cancer in the mouth. That was it I couldn't leave the house, sleep, eat anything. Visited the doctors as I was convincied I had cancer in my neck. I went on beat blockers for 6 weeks but hated being on medication. I left my ex partner as he was no help to me and I felt that he made my situation worse. My grandad got over his cancer and my anxiety seemed to ease. Unfortunately my grandad a cancer came back and in April this year he passed away. I now feel anxious pretty much all the te but try to ignore it. I have a lot of issues with my grandad passing as I wasn't there when he died and felt I should have been, I also didn't visit that often as I've moved away and getting there was not easy. Whenever I'm alone it all starts the anxious feeling, now I think I've got cancer in my jaw like my grandad which I no is untrue but I can't convince myself of that. It's causing me to get headaches, not sleep properly, awful to, upset stomache, and I no my mind is making me feel things that aren't there. Really would love your advice and opinions and also just an understanding person :-) xxx

29-05-13, 13:36
Hi Kay,

You have been through so many traumatic experiences I am not surprised at how you feel. Not only have you had your own loss to deal with, you have also been there supporting everyone else.

Have you been to see your GP? I really think you need to talk to someone and the doctor would be a good starting point.

Welcome to the site Kay, you will find lots of support on here.

Karen x

29-05-13, 13:39
Hi Karen.
I have seen the doctor when this first started and I was put on beat blockers but they made me feel worse. Then when I explained this they doubled my dose, so I weaned myself off them and to be honest have been dealing with this on my own ever since. People that haven't had anxiety have no idea how it changes your life and makes you feel.
Thank u for your reply xx

29-05-13, 13:55
I am surprised that your doctor only prescribed beta blockers. Did he mention counselling to you?

My doctor put me on citalopram for depression and anxiety and also referred me for counselling which is really helping.

29-05-13, 13:59
I've never been offered counselling which to be honest I think I'd take as I find it hard to explain to family how I'm really feeling as I feel guilty due to them having there own lives go deal with. I have an app on 11 th June so am going to suggest counselling then xx

29-05-13, 19:03
I think that is the way to go, good luck for the doctors, let us know how you get on.
