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View Full Version : CIPRAMIL????

24-06-04, 18:59
HI GUYS,, has anyone any advice on CIPRAMIL???

cause once again my doctor has tried prescribing me medication which i DONT want to start taking,,,

any advice on the drug would be welcomed for future reference

thanks guys,,



24-06-04, 23:53
hi darren,
i was put on this drug 1st off 2 years ago.. started on 10mg then 20mg then 40mg. i didnt get any side effects and it really lifted me.
then my dr changed me to ciprilex-cant remember why, and came down to 20mg on that drug as its beter in a lower does or something like that- but i had real trouble coming off that,but that was my own fault as i rushed my withdrawl.as long as u ake it and come of properly it should really help

Your stronger than you'll ever know,you control your own world.

29-06-04, 16:38
Hi darren,

I had been prescribed Cipramil by my GP 3-4 years ago. It wasn't a high dose i was given but i was on it for about 2 years.
It helped me in regards of reducing my thoughts of fear and dread that would lead me to a panic attack and therefore i was able to face social events that i would dread and make normal day to day living easier.
I was less tearful for sure.
I'm not saying i never had the odd bad feeling or moment whilst taking it as i did, but it made it easier to cope with.

I decided to stop taking it myself without my GP knowing and i started to feel worse the feelings came back.
Therefore i went back on it and my GP decided WHEN to be WEANED off of it.
I know longer take it and haven't done for the last 18 months i did have the odd dreaded moment, all the time you learn to cope with it and try to deal with it the best you can. I just want to do this on my own without medication.
Unfortunately i have had a knock back in my personal life thats left me having every bad feeling under the sun as before.
But i dont want medication i've been offered counselling, which i have never been offered before. So i'm hoping this will help.

Sorry to waffle on!

Everyone is different and i think everyone needs to find some form of help in one way or another.

Good luck.


29-06-04, 19:42
hi simone,,

thank you for your post its most welcome,,

i have always said to myself i can do this without medication,,
but everytime i go to the docs all they seem to want to do is prescribe me something or another,,which i have told them so many times i dont want PILLS,,,

i am sure your councelling will go very well as i have just had a 7 session course with a lady councelloer and she was great and it certainatly has helped me,,
councelling is so helpful,,,

i am going to try some of the rescue remides ""BACH"" i have heard they are very good,,
i will try anything rather than prescribed medicen,,

i am also going to give hypnotherapy another go ,,as i have only ever had one appointment and i was perticullary bad at the time and he said i was too anxious to be hypnotised,,so i am gonna give it another go,,,

hope all goes well with your councelling,,

keep me posted ,
good luck[8D]

