View Full Version : Desperate for answers

Mr m anxious
29-05-13, 15:34
Woke up with sore neck muscles and aching shoulders again, apart from neck this has been going on for 4 months now. Can't understand why when I get out of bed it starts straight away but when lying in bed I feel completely normal (no aches). I also get burning in my neck and shoulders sometimes and pins and needled in my left hand. To go with this lot I also prickly skin on chest and legs, I also have like a protruding bone from my left nipple to high up my sternum which feels bruised sometimes, doc thinks this is ok, she says ribs just sticking out more than the right side. I don't worry too much about cancer or heart as I've had 3 lots of blood tests all normal and heart scan is was ok. Seeing neuro late june, dreading it and can't wait at same time. My fear is a neuro disease but also think it may be fibromyalgia.
Any ideas or anyone have similar issues, my ha has been high ever since late December.

29-05-13, 15:51
Sounds like thoracic outlet syndrome.

29-05-13, 16:05
I find I am most comfortable when in bed. So much so that I only get respite when I am asleep. My left armpit, left arm neck and shoulder ache most of my waking hours.

I am also looking at the possibility of having TOS. Seeing my GP next week to discuss this possibility. I may also have fibromyalgia or some other muscle/nerve problem.

These symptoms play havoc with my anxiety because all I can think is HEART!!!!

I don't even know if TOS can be treated as I refuse to Google.

Mr m anxious
29-05-13, 16:33
Thanks for replies, I have thought of TOS before but I believe you have trouble lifting your arm up, I don't have this problem. Charlie you can recover fom TOS through chiro or in worse cause scenario an operation I believe. Can you lift your arm up above your head?

29-05-13, 17:23
I can lift my right arm as normal. When I lift my left, I feel it pull. But I can lift it.

Mr m anxious
29-05-13, 17:38
Charlie, is your grip weak in your left and?

29-05-13, 18:08
Don't think so. I do get numbness and sometimes my fingers feel like they lock. But if I roll my shoulders and stretch that soons goes.

Mr m anxious
29-05-13, 18:23
Yours might just be anxiety, but suppose doc will help but don't let him fob you off with aniexty. Me like yourself I assume will be relived if it's just anxiety. Hope all goes well at the docs.
I'm now thinking costochondritis/tietze syndrome for myself , the hard lump on my chest near my sternum fits despite what my doc says.