View Full Version : hi all

01-10-06, 12:49
hi everyone well i joined today,my name is jackie i started having panic attacks 10 yrs ago,i managed for years then my dad died suddenly,big panic time,its got so bad now i dont go out much i cannot get to any appointments as soon as someone says i have to be somewhere at a certain time it gets really bad,i have someone who comes to see me at home and hopefully she can help me,i worry about everthing and play stuff over and over again in my mind,i have missed out on so many things in life because of panic attacks here hoping i can get through this lots of love to all of you its nice to know other people suffer and im not going mad

01-10-06, 13:16
Hi mumof3

Glad you've found the site. Not only will it provide a source of invaluable advice but also provide comfort for when times are bad.
Kay x

01-10-06, 13:16
Hi Mumof3,

I am a mum of three too =)
You have definately come to the right place. Have a look round and read some of the topics, you are so not alone.

Welcome, great to see you =)

Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 13:23
Hi Mumof3,

A big warm welcome to you. You are not alone as we are all here for each other.

Take Care


01-10-06, 13:31
Hi mum, welcome to the site. I have suffered anxiety, Panic and lots of phobias for years now, but they do come and go when stress levels get less. I remember when my Dad dies sudden of a heart attack. I was with him at his local pub one Sunday night as I always did, and then left to go home; he was fine just another night out. Then a few hours later (early hours Sunday night Monday morning, the police knocked on the door, gave me the news and asked me to go identify his body. Funny enough this didn’t bother me to much and I seemed to take it quite well, I don’t think I even cried. Then one night in bed about a month after I had one massive panic attack, me and my wife thought I was dying of heart attack. She kept phoning Doctors who seemed to be taking to long and then 999 then doctor phoned and said it was a panic attack and gave me 20mg of vallium which calmed me down and went back to sleep. Then the next day I was a nervous wreck trying to get up, and when I did get up I was to scared to do anything, I had to go to Doctors which was only about a few 100 yards away and it was hell trying to get out. I phoned the surgery and told Doctor I wouldn’t be able to wait to see him as all I wanted to do is run away from everything. I suffered so bad then from agoraphobia couldn’t even go into the garden, couldn’t do any work as I was shaking and panicking 24/7. But it did go away eventually, it went without me even realizing and I was out and about again. The same seemed to happen in most stressful events even though at the time I didn’t realize what caused it. Each time my wife went into hospital to have a baby it came and so on. Then I was to terrified to go to hospital and see her then the guilt came what a bad man I was not going to see my wife in hospital, you just cant win. Lucky enough I had a good sister who used to come and take me to the hospital in her car, it was still hell but I got there, I don’t think my sister or many other people knew what I was going through, you seem to suffer this alone. What I do know now is that its best not worry about it, if you don’t want to go out, don’t get all worked up and get annoyed that you can’t go just except it and sit back relax and think well, I will go another day. I have tried in the past pushing myself to do things and it don’t work, All you do when you push yourself is increase the anxiety and make yourself worst. It’s not easy but use affirmations and keep telling yourself you are ok and in good health over and over, also try and just relax and don’t push to hard, be kind to yourself. Hope you feel better soon, and Take care and don’t be hard on yourself. Vernon

01-10-06, 16:39
hi mum

you will find it such a help here. you are not on your own we are all in the same boat.

01-10-06, 17:41
thank you all for your kind words,heres todays problem i have to have a smear test done the thought of getting to the doctors is hell i havnt been to the doctors for over a year,i have now talked myself into having cervical cancer,i know i need a smear test as soon as i think of it off i go again with the panic attacks,a mental heath nurse is comming to see me on thursday im going to see that shes says,its so stupid i think im going to be ill all the time but dont seam to be able to help myself,sorry to go on,i just drive myself mad with all the thoughs going around in my head ive forgotten what if feel like to relax,

01-10-06, 17:43
Hi mum and welcome.You will make many friends here and will get great support.
Take care

Ellen XX

01-10-06, 18:10

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac x

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

polly daydream
01-10-06, 18:51
Hi and welcome to the forum.


01-10-06, 19:20
Hi there

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


01-10-06, 20:01
Not going mad at all hun!

A big welcome to the site to you :D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-10-06, 09:32
Ello Mumof3,

From a mumof2 a big welcome to the site. Great support and advice here.

Take care,


02-10-06, 11:20
thank you all for your kind words and what a welcome it meens a lot,ive just spoken to my doctor i can have my smear test done at home,i waited so many years thinking i could get better on my own worried if i went to my gp id be carted off with men in white jackets how wrong i have had great support,to anyone who hasnt got help from their gp please do thinks can only get better well thats what i try to tell myself love and hugs to you all im sure ill make some great friends on here,thank you

02-10-06, 22:27
hiya mom of 3, welcome to the site. im sure you will get over your panic from using this site
best of luck