View Full Version : does anyone ever get the 'hot' headache..?

29-05-13, 16:00
hi guys do any of you ever get the hot feeling headache...? like it makes you touch where the pain is and even feels hot to the touch..? ive noticed it after i have been lying down, its horrible to deal with.

best way to describe it is a hot or burning feeling.

sometimes mine is at the front of my head, and sometimes the back of my head.

would be nice to see if anyone else gets this..? and that im not the only one lol as it scares me alot. :(

and im pregnant so trying to not to worry :(

thanks guys

29-05-13, 16:09
Ive had this a few times.
How long have you had it for? could it be connected to you having baba? I dont have children but i know that pregnancy can bring on alot of strange symptoms, as does anxiety, and your like me and worry more so when its your head right?
try some forehead stick its cooling, although check its ok during pregnancy id assume it will be though hun :)

29-05-13, 16:12
Do you have sinus problems? That happens to me when I have a sinus headache or sinus infection.

29-05-13, 16:13
its horrible, ive had the hot feeling in the front of my head for a while because of my anxiety, but the feeling in the back of my head is fairly new, so it does make me wonder if it is my pregnancy, its horrible because i want to stay calm for the baby but dealing with anxiety is it not easy as pregnancy its self makes you worry more about everything.

i worry 100x more because its my head if it was for instance my arm or back i wouldnt think twice.

im definetly going to try some of the cooling things if i can use them :)

---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 16:13 ----------

hi constant worry.
i dont no if i have sinus problems?! every time i speak to my doctor all i ever hear in reply is 'its just anxiety'

what symptoms did you get?

29-05-13, 16:16
It's a pressure feeling in the front and back of my head. I have just always assumed it felt warm because of the sinus blockage. I have had that forever and haven't ever worried about it. Plus, you are pregnant, weird things happen, I know, I have done it twice!!

29-05-13, 16:20
do you ever get the feeling where its pressure right around your head..? like a band..? ive had days where it feels my head could explode!

ill try not to worry as much :)
its just so hard

29-05-13, 16:30
Almost EVERY day!! I have never worried about it. My grandma would get headaches like that and tie a stocking around her head.

That type of headache sounds more like a migraine. For me, they are hormonal, I have a really awful one for at least 5 days around that time of the month. And since your pregnant, your hormones are all over the place. I think you are just fine.

29-05-13, 16:35
yeah thats true :)
thanks very much,

i hope it is all down to hormones/pregnancy