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View Full Version : Scared, people saying there's going to be a war

29-05-13, 18:51
because of the terrorist attack in Woolwich, supposedly the EDL are now burning down mosques (not heard of it so far though) and there's going to be race riots and civil war in Britain. I used to be scared of that when I was about 14 mainly because my dad shouted about it, and nothing much happened then apart from I stopped trusting my parents' political views.
Does anyone think this is likely? I thought at first that if anyone was going to burn mosques they would have done so immediately not a week later, but I just read that the police in London are handing out leaflets asking people to show restraint! Is that normal after anything that's been in the news a lot, or only if they think there will be riots?

Oh, and apparently there's also going to be a new Cold War because of Syria! :scared15:

29-05-13, 19:07
I would say that if there were going to be major problems then the city I live nearest to would have had some problems and there are none that I have heard about, when I was younger there was a major nuclear war incident, they reckon it was as close as we have come to ending the world or that's how it seemed, nothing much happened, minority groups will always find a reason to kick off, the majority of us are peace loving and there are more of us than there are the ones that want to fight.
So try not to worry, the UK is one of the nicest and safest places on the planet.

29-05-13, 19:20
There isn't going to be a civil war in Britain, there may be the odd bit of unrest and attacks on mosques etc... but it's been a week now with nothing much happening. Also groups like the EDL, BNP, National Front etc... have very little support, so it would be them against 98% of the rest of the country.

I also seriously doubt we will ever see another major war, certainly not on the scale of the world wars. Countries now are too tied to each other politically and financially to be able to alienate themselves in that way. China may be a superpower, but a lot of their wealth comes from overseas manufacturing, so they couldn't declare war against anyone who was an ally of someone they rely on for money.

Most wars now tend to be between small neighbouring countries, or different factions within the same country. The Syrian situation isn't really that worrying, it is just Europe and Russia supporting different sides, but none have comitted to send in troops or get that involved.

A lot of the threats countries make now are just them flexing their muscles to try and show they are still important, like North Korea

29-05-13, 20:50
Hey m8 don't worry about it remember the EDL, the main protagonists are really just a handful of ex football hooligans who in the main have been banned from the football grounds.
Therefore they've hijacked an issue they can hide behind to have a row in a different arena, more times then not they end up turning on each other, also as mentioned they are a tiny tiny minority and when push comes to shove we don't take kindly to fascist pigs over here.