View Full Version : Gym.

29-05-13, 19:11
I love it! Do you go? I find it really helps my anxiety and even though it's hard doing the exersizes ( it's getting easier!), i definitely feel great when i leave the gym!

29-05-13, 19:16
Would love to go to the gym, but feel far to anxious about exercise and too self conscious to be there with other people . Glad you are enjoying it though, think it's a great idea to channel your energy and anxiety into something positive.

29-05-13, 19:18
Would love to go to the gym, but feel far to anxious about exercise and too self conscious to be there with other people . Glad you are enjoying it though, think it's a great idea to channel your energy and anxiety into something positive.

Does your local gym open early? I aim to go mine as early as possible. The only people who are there are oap's. They make you feels welcome and anyway when you're doing your exersizes, you tend to zone and concentrate anyway. Well i do!!!:D:D

29-05-13, 19:26
Does your local gym open early? I aim to go mine as early as possible. The only people who are there are oap's. They make you feels welcome and anyway when you're doing your exersizes, you tend to zone and concentrate anyway. Well i do!!!:D:D

That is a good idea actually, I will have to find out what time they open, I could cope with oap's , like you say they are usually really friendly. I could do with joining a gym though have put weight on due to the meds I am on.

29-05-13, 19:32
That is a good idea actually, I will have to find out what time they open, I could cope with oap's , like you say they are usually really friendly. I could do with joining a gym though have put weight on due to the meds I am on.

If your gym is a good one, they'll give you an induction, where a trainer will draw out an exersize plan for you and show you how to use the equipment/machines correctly.

Don't worry about being anxious or self conscious, i was before i went and as soon as i got down to doing the exersizes, i was fine. You should definitely do it, makes you feel great!!!!!

29-05-13, 19:37
Going to the gym definitely helps my anxiety, up until a few months ago I was way to anxious to leave my house let alone go to the gym but I have gradually got a little better and now I actually enjoy going.

Going to the gym was one of the last things I would want to do as I suffer with health anxiety, mainly based around worries of heart problems so going to the gym and increasing my heart rate was not at the top of my to do list. But before my anxiety started I always went to the gym and it has always been a passion of mine so I started going again a couple of months ago and although I felt like utter crap with near on panic attacks at first, things have now improved and its one of the few things that help me escape anxiety a little. Dont get me wrong I still get the odd panicky moments and some light general anxiety but the benefits i feel when I leave the gym and in life in general are definitely worth it. It makes you feel good about yourself and gives you something to focus on which helps my anxiety a lot. It also helps release the feel go chemicals which is always good.

If anyone wants to start going to the gym but feels like they get to panicky and anxious if they push themselves and get out of breath then don't bother with all the running/rowing/cycling cardio workouts at first. Just go and do some weight lifting, even if its just light. You still get the feel good effect after gym and some health benefits but you don't have to put yourself through I rigorous workout where your gasping for breath. Its a way of getting yourself started and then you can start doing more vigourous cardio workouts which get your breathing and heart rate going.

I'm rambling on here lol. Anyway gym and exercise is definitely great for stress and anxiety so if you are able to then give it a go :)

29-05-13, 19:40
Just remember to drink water.

29-05-13, 19:58

I'm so glad this subject has come up because the gym walking or any form of exercise is just so good for anxiety and depression or in fact any health issue there is something for everyone.

I would say to those concerned DONT BE choose your local sports/leisure centre and you will find more normal folk than body beautifuls and once in there you will take no notice of them nor them you unless you are trying to improve technique.. You may also gain someone to talk to whilst exercising... if not maybe just walk adding a few runs maybe between lamppost to lamppost or tree to tree. Go early morning and you will feel wonderful ...really.
:yesyes: fantastic advice Steve37

29-05-13, 20:09

I'm so glad this subject has come up because the gym walking or any form of exercise is just so good for anxiety and depression or in fact any health issue there is something for everyone.

I would say to those concerned DONT BE choose your local sports/leisure centre and you will find more normal folk than body beautifuls and once in there you will take no notice of them nor them you unless you are trying to improve technique.. You may also gain someone to talk to whilst exercising... if not maybe just walk adding a few runs maybe between lamppost to lamppost or tree to tree. Go early morning and you will feel wonderful ...really.
:yesyes: fantastic advice Steve37


Yea, definitely go early, and you will find that people in there are just ordinary people.