View Full Version : Hello!!!

29-05-13, 19:40
Hi There Everyone!

I am Paul and I have been sufferring from Health Anxiety and Panic attacks on and off for 15 years now. Currently going through a course of CBT which is not really heping yet but I have decieded to fight this even harder now by seeing how others have beaten this. The NHS as you all know are useless. My GP gave me Venlafaxin today and I was was feeling so low I thought "why not" It took me YEARS to wean off them last time and taking one today was enough to remind me that mind altering drugs are not the way to beat this. The last 2 weeks has been tough for me and I have had a anxiety/Panic attack every day which is not usial for me. i normally have the background anxiety 24/7 but it managable and does not go into over drive. But soemtimes like these last few weeks it can last a long time.

At the min my main fears are that every time I seem to drive i get an attack which is no good as I need to drive for work.... I also have a feelign that something is stuck in my throat and I cant swallow which has been there for about a month now. I always used to worry I had a heart issue and have had several ECG's and tested for that. i have taken up cyclign and often do 40/50 miles which can either make me feel better or that can trigger anxiety as I worry I am doing to much and hurting my heart insted of making it stronger. Thsi throat issue is startign to get me down and I believe this has triggered most of my panic over the last few weeks.

In My atatcks I dont feel like I am hyper ventalating I just feel really really dizzy and light headed and like the world around me is not real. I get chest pains, Tingling limbs and an inability to swallow. When this happens I tend to run home to calm down but doign a bit of reasearch and my CBT seems to suggest this is the worst thing to do? I know I need to relax and get rid of tension and I know I need to ignore my body more but I pick up on every little thing and worry about it. Recenlty I have also had the dark thoughts of maybe it would be betetr to be dead??!!! I feel so guilty thinking that as I have two beautiful girls. I think I am jealous of people who just seem to be able to live life without anxiety and I am not 100% focussed on finding a solution so I dont waste any more of my life and buren my family and friends!

Next on the lsit is to read Claire Weekes book and listen to her CD. I am also keen to try the Linden Method as a close friend who also had anxety for 15+ years was cured by this.

I woudl love to hear from people who have the same issues as me and what they have tried? And I look forward to sharing what I learn with others on here. After a really bad day I am feeling much better by just taking action and deciding not to go down the pills route again!

Cant wait to hear from you.


29-05-13, 20:33
Hi Paul and :welcome:

Keep fighting and you will get through this!

I am reading a Claire Weekes book at the moment and highly recommend it, I have heard mixed reviews of the linden method so can't comment on that.

I am sure you will find lots of help and support here :)

29-05-13, 21:09
I am also thinking about trying medititation and Yoga? Anyone used these to fight off anxiety?

NE21 worrier
30-05-13, 10:40
Hello Paul :welcome:

I assume from your name that you're also in the good old North East, or at least have links to up here. I also get a tight chest and difficulty swallowing (globus) when I am anxious, and have had some really dark thoughts as I just want to make it stop.

I have not done meditation or yoga per se but I have been reading up on mindfullness and trying to keep myself busy. I seem to have been doing a little better recently but, like everyone, I get ups and down. This place can be quite good on a bad day, there's a lot of friendly people on here so I hope you find it useful :smile:

Peter :smile:

PS. I'm also going order Claire Weekes as quite a few people on here have said it has helped them out.

30-05-13, 11:46
Hi Paul

:welcome: to this site I am sure you will find lots of support here.

I can relate to the driving, I am going through the same at the moment (among other things - it is never simple is it?). I am doing graded exposure with my driving and just going short distances and building it up. I am off work sick at the moment but am due to go back in 2 weeks and am dreading it as i work an hour away and have to go on a busy motorway which is one of my worst nightmares.

I am having private counselling at the moment and am on the list for CBT. I haven't heard of the Linden Method, will have to look that up.


30-05-13, 12:45
NE21 if you live in NE21 (blaydon) then I am only up the road in Ryton ;)

30-05-13, 15:20
hi mate
not been on here for a while, but your story sounded 100% like mine - except for me it was swimming not cycling!

thankfully im over it all now, but its been tough, and of course still get odd bad day, but touch wood im OK.

it did take me a while to wean myself off the pills, but now i have am determined never to go on again.
try the book by dr roger baker - understanding panic attacks, that really helped me understand what was happening.

good luck mate - you will be allright

30-05-13, 15:36
So what you think was the biggest factor in getting over it? Up until 2 weeks ago I was coping really well but last 10 days have been hell!

NE21 worrier
30-05-13, 17:47

Aye, my username gives away part of my postcode though I live at the top of the hill (in Winlaton), rather than in Blaydon :)

I know Ryton pretty well. I've got a friend who still lives there and we used to get in the Runhead pub all of the time when there was a bigger group of us. Not so much now but still every so often.

Mind, it's completely changed (in a good way, I guess) from when we started going at 17-18, about 10 years ago!:D

30-05-13, 20:44
Welcome, NE21.
I can only say that meds haven't worked for me but CBT and meditation have helped. I have GAD and agoraphobia. I DO go out but only if with a friend and I can't be in confined places ( buses, cinema etc.). I'm so much better than I was a few years ago and I think this is due to facing my fears and pushing through the anxiety.

31-05-13, 15:08
found CBT very good - although it doesnt happen overnight!
and also that book i mentioned.

talk to your friends, i know its harder than you think, but people are so supportive & that helps