View Full Version : sick of this...

29-05-13, 20:36
After the excitement of having a decent sleep last night, I thought I'd go to the shops and do a bit of shopping, as soon as I put my shoes and coat on, I froze on the spot and thought of every bad scenario possible, just made to the bathroom to vomit, hot and cold sweats.....I'm so sick of this....I just want to be normal:weep:

29-05-13, 20:42
Sorry you're feeling like this Paws - I know exactly how you feel, although I'm not even getting the good night's sleep :weep: I've now got really bad anticipatory anxiety and that's preventing me from a lot of things. I've got to go out to the dentist tomorrow and I'm already worrying sick about it. I'd love to be 'normal' too, or at least be able to get on with things without worrying all the time.
Easier said than done, but try and stay positive (really wish I could)

29-05-13, 21:49
my youngest daughter starts school in September, i just want to walk her her through the gates..:wall:

30-05-13, 13:14
Hi paws I have been through/am going through this. I decided one day that i would walk to the shop. I figured since I was already thinking I was dying I might aswell die doing something rather than curled up on sofa. I walked to the shop, didn't go in and came back feeling shaken. I did this a few times and after the 4th time I thought I dont feel as bad, eventually I built myself up to going in and now I'm ok with the local shop. I havent built up going to town yet or big super market but maybe doing something like this might be helpful to you. :)

30-05-13, 13:49
i'm going to try again today, as i'm feeling quite calm at the moment

30-05-13, 14:52
good luck, you can do it.....gets easier over time xxx

30-05-13, 14:57
good luck paws :) x