View Full Version : Can TMJ give you headaches when you lie down?

29-05-13, 21:09

I have bad brain tumour anxiety but I also noticed that my jaw is really bad. I've been grinding my teeth for as long as I can remember, and I've had head pains for just as long. My jaw clicks when I open my mouth, I sometimes wake up with a locked jaw, around my jaw is tender, and I can dislocate my jaw easily. I really think I have TMJ which I know can cause head pains. The thing is, my head pains aren't too bad until I lie down. If I lie on my right or left sides I get very bad headaches that only stop hurting if I lay on my back (had this for 5 years). I also have dizziness that comes and goes. Could TMJ cause all this?

30-05-13, 14:59

30-05-13, 15:14
I have tmj and wear a splint 24/7. I know it can cause dizziness and headaches etc. You need to see a dentist who specialises in it.

30-05-13, 15:20
Hello Zippy.
I went to the dentist, they molded a mouth guard for me for night times. I just find it SO hard to get use to, so I don't wear it much.
Do your head aches get worse when you lie down?

30-05-13, 15:33
I have wore the mouth guard for 3 years and started with new vertigo, headaches etc in november. I have been having pressure/headaches in my head when i lay down etc but i have just had an mri scan today because there were 3 shadows seen on my ct scan. So to be honest i don't know what's with what.
I also see an osteopath every 6 weeks which usually helps with the tmj.

30-05-13, 15:35
someone mentioned TMJ to me earlier but not really sure what it was x

30-05-13, 15:38
Its temporal mandibular joint disorder which is your jaw joint. If you grind at night or your bite is out of line it causes headaches, dizziness, earache etc.

30-05-13, 15:42
So sorry to hear that Zippy, try to think positive!

I'm going to look further into TMJ, cause I also have earaches, and when I swallow I hear a clicking noise. I've had this for many years

30-05-13, 15:48
Yes i get earache in my left ear and a rustling/popping sound when i swallow or eat too.

30-05-13, 17:03
i wonder if this could be my problem too, i grind my teeth due to the headache and i am always biting my gums??

30-05-13, 17:11
It could be!
TMJ cause a lot of the symptoms we have