View Full Version : So sick of this week

30-05-13, 00:29
Hi, I don't wanna bore you all with my troubles but as far as this week goes, just c**P.

About 3/4 weeks ago, I get diagnosed with GAD (of which I didn't need a doctor to tell me) but I found this site months ago but got told by my partner AND my mum that im looking for problems in other people just to disguise my own this week coz they found ive been on here most evenings after work.

NOW, thanks to my mum ive lost ALL my jobs, im 29 for god sake surely if I had some kind of issue with a job the employer should of spoke to me!!!

One site I worked at did spark off unusual anxiety attacks but that's where my first anxiety attack happened so I worked through that, It was hard but I did it.

If you didn't know before hand I suffer from back problems but think I have near enough every cancer going (5yrs ago it was heart attacks (apparently))

I have a partner and 4 children yet its only my 5 year old that understands my issue and that makes me feel worse coz I don't want a 5 year old going through my hell.

Sorry to bore you again,

30-05-13, 13:22
oh Neil so sorry you are having a rough week this week is coming to an end next week will be better, the weather is not helping is it, rain rain and more rain, we need some summer dont we, its so sweet that your 5 year old understands children are so amazing, we are all here to help take care and blessings

30-05-13, 13:41

sounds liek you are in a similar boat to me. My partner gets mad at me for having HA and GAD and this makes me feel guilty and worse. We have had a few arguments which trigger worse panic. She nealry forced me back on anti depressants this week but i took one and remebered why I dont take them!!! When i said i was not going to take them she said that was not fair on the rest of the family. I tried to tell her i am finding every possible way to finally cure it but I am not altering my mind with drugs. I think it is impossible for non sufferers to understand which is why sites like this are great and most GP's are no help...

Dont worry mate you will find a way to deal with this. Its not forever!


30-05-13, 16:04
Hi Neil
I had a great start to this week and really thought i was on the mend, but the past 2 days ive felt awful, had a Zinger of a panic attack yesterday it happened in a cake shop, I actually just thought my anxiety level was very high in general leading to me feeling on edge, having eye floaters, nerves feeling on fire, brain fog and a general lack of motivation and interest.
The first week i told my partner my mum and 2 of my brothers and since then all (except my mum) have at some point said something so insensitive to someone whos going through it that ive decided t keep it to myself and only talk about my feelings on here to the only people who can possibly understand.
Try not to get to down the positive side of feeling really crappy is that the only way is up, we all understand what your going through your not alone, and dont worry about boring anyone here with your problems thats why we are all here, all the best m8.