View Full Version : Not sure what's going on

30-05-13, 00:31
In March my husband and I were out for the day where 98% of my day I was walking around standing in lines etc. That night I got home and I felt a funny feeling in my stomach right under my left rib then there was this elastic band flicking sensation. It didn't hurt but it certainly felt odd - something I have never felt before. The days following I had a stitch like feeling under my ribs down toward my hip, that subsided and it felt kind of numbish I suppose then I would get a funny numbish feeling over my stomach (left side). Many years ago I fell off a roof and dislocated my ribs and ever since the cartlidge in my ribs pops out, at first I thought this is what is was as the sensation was occasionally felt on my back where the ribs meet. So I went off to the chiro and got clicked back into place was ok for a day or two then it came back. I went to the dr and he checked me out, felt around. I wasn't in pain or anything just this weird sensation - he said to me, I promise you it is nothing. I cannot feel anything suspicious. If you still have it in a couple of weeks we will do something. As it happened it actually went away. Well last weekend it came back. Im not getting the numb feeling its just a sensation just under my left rib. I have also been getting indigestion but mainly when I eat apples or chocolate my two most favorite things. The indigestion is like I have fallen and my spine is out of place and needs to be clicked back in kind of uncomfortable feeling. I am absolutely terrified that I have cancer, has anyone had this before? Im worried about going back to the dr, he know's I have a panic disorder and I feel so embarrassed about having to go back to the dr all the time. :(

30-05-13, 01:44
I get a weird feeling in my rips like something's too tight, it's weird. I'm not sure what causes it but it's comfortable. Sometimes sorta feels like my rips aren't in the right position and I keep shifting position trying to fix it.
My best guess is its a tight muscle.

Hmm there might be something up with the cartalidge or maybe it's irratated the nerves around it. That happens with my clicky jaw n I get numbness.

I've a feeling they might send you for a scan for a better look but honestly it doesn't sound like anything to worry about :)

I get what I hope is indigestion! I've had horriable pains in my back, shoulders,chest and tummy. Burping seemed to help so thsts why I think it's digestion issues.

30-05-13, 01:56
Thanks Anxiousgal,
The indigestion is horrible. I was talking to my husband about it last night and he was like, no I don't get that so Im now thinking OMG are you kidding - it MUST be something bad then but then my Psychologist says to me, everyone one gets aches and pains and they would be lying if they said they didn't. Its a part of every day living. People who do not think like us dismiss it and can easily rationalize people like us cannot rationalize those thoughts so easily. Anyway, so yes the pain is also in my shoulders and chest sometimes in my throat, its awful. The feeling in my stomach has given me a lot of sleepless nights through panic attacks. I feel like such a wreck and I sometimes just want to crawl into a corner and for it to all go away, I wish that I didn't worry so much.