View Full Version : CA fears, non stop worry

30-05-13, 00:45
I have been in a horrible place for the past month. Battling CA fears. Bowel, ovarian, pancreatic, lung. It's a neverending cycle. It started out with a dull pain that lasted a few seconds in my left abdomen that came on a week before my period. It lasted about 2 weeks and would come and go intermittently and after 2 weeks it went away. It never vacated my mind though. Then it would come back some days and only hurt for a moment but then go away. This has gone on for 3 weeks. Some days it comes on, others it's not there.

I'm extremely fearful and full of worry. It's ruining my mood. I am so scared. I can't get out of this panic and I can't stop googling.

30-05-13, 08:37
You sound exactly like me. I know googling is bad but I can't stop doing it either.

Regarding the abdominal pain, it sounds as though it might be IBS which is often brought on by anxiety and comes and goes depending on how anxious you are.

30-05-13, 12:15
Vida, Im the same as well. I have actually felt a similar sensation on the left side of my abdomen. It started suddenly after a day out and went on for about 3 weeks, stopped but now its back. I too have the same fears as you. Its a horrible nightmare that only someone who suffers with panic attacks will ever understand. Googling your symptoms will not give you a diagnosis, its only going to heighten your fear. I went to the dr about my pain and it was nothing. Couldnt find anything. Drop in and see your dr and have a chat with them. Are you on any medication for your anxiety? Not saying to go on anything if you're not, but if you are perhaps have a chat with your dr and let them you how you're feeling. I know it feels like you're alone in this but believe me they would see hundreds of people a month with the same fears. Please try not to worry oh and STOP googling.... :D