View Full Version : Bad Day

01-10-06, 16:36
Hi Everyone,

Started the day off really well after my trip yesterday but i have had a really bad afternoon.

My teenage daughter was feeling really depressed a few weeks ago and had thoughts of suicide etc. She didn't tell us this directly we were told by one of her friends. I have supported her in anyway I can and she was doing quite well.

Today she seems a bit low again and of course all my fears came back about her doing something to harm herself. Depression/suicide has a history in my family and I'm worried sick right now. The symptoms are doing there best right now to pull me down.

I am trying so hard to keep positive and that teenagers do go through this and majority come out the other side.

Any words of support or anyone who has been through this would be appreciated.


If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 17:38
Im so sorry things are so bad for you at the moment after having such a good day yesterday.I know what its like to live with someone who thinks of suicide.My brother has bipola,and has threatend suicide,plus taken pills in front of us.Your daughter needs to see a gp,you can support her the best you can but she needs help from the doctor.I to have depression and there is also a history of suicide in my family.
My brother threatend to do it alot,and then took the pills in front of us,it was a cry for help.I feel for you.

Ellen XX

01-10-06, 18:06
My daughter has been to the GP and was refered to a psychiatrist as with all mental health problems the wait is certainly not a speedy one.
My children mean the world to me and it's having a devastating effect on me not knowing what will happen next.

Thank you so much Ellen, for the support.


If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 19:02
I,m so sorry to hear about your daughter,I to would ssggest that you seek advice from your G.P.Let her know that you are there for her . thinking of you lorraine.

01-10-06, 23:23
Have you not been given any out of hours numbers.You can just be there for her and support her.I know a bit of what your going through.I have seen how it has affected my own mother,and can see how hard it is for you.

Ellen XX