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30-05-13, 03:23
hi. I live in Texas and I have been experiencing panic attacks for around 20 years. They were not too bad, and I learned how to control them until a few months ago. I had a few at night before, no big deal until a few months ago. I was sick with a bad cold and about to move to a new city when I had a real bad one in the middle of the night. It lasted 7 hours! Now, I have had about 6 this month, in the middle of the night and they last for about a hour to two hours. Now I am scared to sleep. I even had one while I was taking a nap today cause I was so tired from last nights attack. I know this is in my head but I am so scared of another attack. Thanks for letting me get this out.

30-05-13, 08:46
Hi there,

I get the night terrors as i call them and it normally means i am so tired the next day I cant preform at work or with family. Have you tried using guided relaxion before sleep? There are loads of free videos on you tube. If you go to sleep really relaxed you might not wake with an attack?


30-05-13, 11:51
:) Hi and :welcome:

Just wanted to say hello and welcome to the site, hope you fnd the support and help here.