View Full Version : Head Shaking... but not really!

30-05-13, 09:16
I wrote a post last week about the terrible brain fog I've been getting lately. It continued over the weekend and my head felt so foggy by Tuesday that I didn't go into work. It seemed to do the job because a day of doing absolutely nothing cleared it slightly and it has continued to get better....... BUT!!! I've woke today with a fairly clear mind but my head feels so heavy, like my shoulders can't support its weight! To me it feels like my head is swaying back and forward even when it is perfectly still :shrug:! What is this? Does anyone else get it? Strangely enough it's not freaking me out but it's uncomfortable and really annoying. xx

30-05-13, 10:08
Have you had a cold or anything lately meche? It sounds like it may be something to do with your ears? They might be a bit blocked up if you've been sick or stressed?

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:18
Hello Meche,

I still get this, and am always consious that people notice my head having what I can only describe as looking like I have had an electric shock on my head type of shack!

Mr m anxious
20-06-13, 16:25
Yes, I had this a few times months ago, 100% sure it's aniexty related. It passed because I ignored it.

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:38
Maybe we should start a head-banging band! :hugs:

20-06-13, 16:54
ive had this also recently! so annoying! feels like my heads falling backwards, and that its full :(