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View Full Version : Zopiclone not working like it did

30-05-13, 09:31
I had sleep disturbances in February, which were probably nocturnal panic attacks and I developed a severe anxiety around sleeping and being on my own - especially at night. My GP prescribed 7.5mg zopiclone which really helped out to begin with. She suggested I refer myself for CBT, which I did, but I'm still waiting...

To begin with I was able to sleep through until around 7/8am so I've continued to take the zopiclone as the few nights I went without I got no sleep at all and I felt dreadful in the mornings. However, in the last few weeks I've consistently woken around 4am or earlier and then lie in bed with worsening negative thoughts. So I'm not getting the good night's sleep that I desperately need, but I don't want to increase the zopiclone either. Should I just halve it for a couple of nights and see what happens and then come off completely? At the moment I'm less anxious at night as I'm not on my own, so hoping that I can naturally get back into a pattern of sleeping and much needed rest rather than this short-lived zopiclone sleep. I've been trying most things in the meantime - reading, hot milky drink, relaxation/meditation tracks, audio books, hypnosis...

30-05-13, 10:34
Hi sorry you have been suffering with negative sleep patterns, they are sh*t but it seems to be a problem that comes and goes, yes it might help to cut down to half and then let your resistance to them decrease and then if you are happy you could come off them and only use as and when you really need them, having someone with you might help to wean you off them, if you wake up early and cannot get back to sleep get up and walk about, changing patterns can help.
Your CBT will help as well, give the secretary a ring at your practice and ask when the appointment will come through, get them on your case and things often happen more quickly.

30-05-13, 10:58
Hi sorry you have been suffering with negative sleep patterns, they are sh*t but it seems to be a problem that comes and goes, yes it might help to cut down to half and then let your resistance to them decrease and then if you are happy you could come off them and only use as and when you really need them, having someone with you might help to wean you off them, if you wake up early and cannot get back to sleep get up and walk about, changing patterns can help.
Your CBT will help as well, give the secretary a ring at your practice and ask when the appointment will come through, get them on your case and things often happen more quickly.

This is what I do and when I really need one they work like a treat, in fact the biggest problem I have is waking up and getting up the following day.

I also have Clipper Herbal Tea "Sleep Easy" as I go to bed and this seems to help render me unconcious as well. It has as far as I can see from their website:

Lemon Balm
Valerian root
Natural orange flavouring

30-05-13, 20:47
Thanks Alexandria & James

I've finally got my CBT appointment - next Thursday! So chasing them (yet again) did help.

That tea sounds really nice, so I'll give it a go :)

11-07-13, 13:15

zopiclone should be stopped gradually

I was on it too and now again I have no sleep....

If you're gonna take it again, do it slow
btw I can recommend a site to order zopiclone (http://www.meridiareductil.com/index.php/mr_en/zimovane-zopiclone-7-5-mg-brand.html) with no prescription if interested

take care!

11-07-13, 21:05
Thanks Sarah
I've actually stopped taking it now. I decided to halve the 7.5 dose for a couple of weeks, and then when I spoke to a different GP to my usual one he said to just stop it - I'd have a couple of crappy days/nights but it will pass! I did indeed have a crappy time, but I took a quarter dose after a couple of nights and I seem to be ok now, and actually having a better night.

17-07-13, 14:18

zopiclone should be stopped gradually

I was on it too and now again I have no sleep....

If you're gonna take it again, do it slow
btw I can recommend a site to order zopiclone with no prescription if interested

take care!

That's not really helpful, offering people websites to buy Zopiclone.

17-07-13, 14:22
That's not really helpful, offering people websites to buy Zopiclone.

I agree...and it's also illegal!

17-07-13, 14:23
I agree...and it's also illegal!

It amazes me what some people will say Sarah.

14-08-13, 17:39
I found that the zopiclone after a year and a half wasn't working for me anymore and I was afraid to go up any higher than the 7.5. I stopped taking them all together and got Tranquil Sleep and GABA chewables made by natural factors. I have been using these for sleep for a month and a half. (GABA every other night) and tranquil sleep every night and I was surprised t have no withdrawals no sleepless nights and no drowsy mornings. It's worth it to try even with the zopiclone as a GABA deficiency causes insomnia. Good luck everyone!