View Full Version : Worried sick about bowel polyps

30-05-13, 10:49
Hi everyone, I haven't been on here for months as been feeling relatively ok and not had anything to worry about but I'm in panic mode at the moment!

Nearly 6 years ago, I had a polyp removed from my bowel, which they found during a colonoscopy I had done to investigate the cause of bleeding from behind. The doctor advised I have routine colonoscopies every 3-5 years to "be on the safe side". Anyway, I'd put it off and put it off as it's not the nicest procedure and to be honest, I was scared! But I finally asked my doctor to refer me at the beginning of the year as realised it'd been well over 5 years. But then a few days later I find out I'm pregnant and now have to wait until the end of the year after the baby's born! I know it's only another few months to wait but I'm Googling like crazy and convinced myself I've grown another polyp and it's turned into bowel cancer. Even though my bowels are fine and haven't had any bleeding like before, I'm panicking.

My father died from bowel cancer at 56 so the doctor already told me I have a slightly increased risk of bowel cancer anyway and what with the polyp, my mind is going into overdrive. However, at the time, I wasn't worried at all and cetainly didn't Google it all afterwards. I just took the doctor's word for it and carried on with my life. But now I've developed this anxiety disorder, I'm thinking why the hell didn't I have this done 2 years ago?!

My doctor has said not to worry about it as it's not urgent and another year isn't going to make any difference, but what if he's wrong. I just have visions of having a little baby and then being told I'm going to die!

Any words of advice greatly appreciated. I don't want it to ruin my pregnancy, but I can't be happy about it as always got this at the back of my mind :weep:

30-05-13, 11:29
Hi, it is something that you should have done, but as you have no symptoms I wouldn't worry about it. If the doctors are telling you to wait then do that and enjoy your pregnancy. I have been referred for bowel screening but I have no children and can't have them naturally.

All the best

30-05-13, 12:27
Thank you for your reply and sorry to hear you need bowel screening too. Hope you get on ok.