View Full Version : Muscle issue

Mr m anxious
30-05-13, 11:37
I posted yesterday about aching neck, shoulders and chest all on left hand side. Also I get prickly skin in chest sometimes left leg and pins and needles in left hand. I think I've found a trigger point, I have like a muscle knot in my left shoulder which I discovered late last night. When I pressed on it I felt pins and needles from the left side of my face all the way down my left leg. The question is how have I got this knot, hoping it is a knot and has anyone had something like this. Could this be my problem all this time?

30-05-13, 13:32
They can be created by all the tension. I get them alot.

Now it has moved on to giving me the prickly feeling and really sensetive skin so I'm covered in sweat rashes (I think).

Get yourself a masaage, it'll probably take a few and this should help with the issue.



Mr m anxious
30-05-13, 15:18
Thanks for reply fraz, seeing consultant on tuesday hopefully she'll confirm this and then I'll see how much for a chiro or just massage therapy.