View Full Version : Panic attacks in pregnancy. thought i was over thi

01-10-06, 17:34
was just wondering if anyone else was in my situation. i used to get panic attacks quite a lot a few years ago. my normal symptons are a feeling that im going mad, my heart races, i feel sick and confused and a sudden rush of diorhea (does anyone else get this by the way? its always affected me when i panic and it can keep re-occuring up to 5 or 6 times until ive calmed down). ive been fien for ages now until yesterday. im 17 weeks pregnant and my tummy was a bit upset anyway. for no apparent reason i lost it in a shop and started pannicking and worrying abotu everything. i had to rush to the loo, i had awful abdomindal pains and thought i was using the baby. i coudlnt stop worrying that this was gonig to happen every day for the rest of my pregnancy and im goig to harm my baby. i also started thinkign irrational thoughts abotu me not loving my baby when it comes out, not being able to cope, getting post natal depression and going mad (my general fear of going mad and killig myself is the irrational thought which always comes back to me during my anxeity attacks, even though when im thinking rationally i dont want to die). so im calmer today but worried abotu teh next attack and what it will do to my baby. my tummy hurt so much that it cant be good. thank you for reading this. lauren

01-10-06, 18:12
Hi Lauren,

I just mentioned the diorreah in a another posting, one of the symptoms in the long line of them.
There has been suggestion that hormones play a part in anxiety, so obvious being pregnant the hormones are all over the place.
I have had three children and suffered from this, they were not harmed in anyway but ask the midwife if you are due to go soon or the doctor.

My thoughts are with you

Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!