View Full Version : Been for mri.

30-05-13, 13:38
I had my brain mri today, now i will be just worrying everytime the phone goes for bad news. I see a neurologist on the 17th of june so if there is anything on the scan will they get in touch before then or just wait until i see him?

30-05-13, 13:42
i would imagine if there was anything sinister zippy theyd contact you before, as the blood tests and stuff process is the same?
I know its hard but try not to worry, youve done all you had too, how was the MRI?

30-05-13, 13:52
I will be worried everytime the phone rings because my gp rang me 4 days after my ct scan to tell me it was abnormal :scared15:

30-05-13, 14:04
I know what you mean, it will feel unpleasant, did they say they will call or just to see your neuro?

30-05-13, 14:06
I asked the lady who put me in the scanner and she said the hospital will get in touch.

30-05-13, 14:14
It took 2 weeks for my results - I don't know if its because they were normal or just standard - keep on them - I to this day have still not received a letter to say it was fine but my doc has - they said they would send me one as well

30-05-13, 14:46
yeah i agree with Gee. You keep on at them too :)

30-05-13, 14:52
I can feel the anxiety creeping in, feel like my heads swaying from side to side and jittery.

30-05-13, 14:55
just talk yourself through it, just tell yourself, "its an anxious time, everybody would be anxious, im no different, its just a procedure"
i know its easier said than done but yesterday i talked myself through it and it managed to subside abit.
How do you feel in yourself anxiety aside?

30-05-13, 15:05
I don't know what's with what anymore. I have a foggy head and feel like i can't think straight, headaches and pressure, earache in left ear and feel a sense of dread and doom.