View Full Version : Really freaking out waiting for smear results

30-05-13, 14:13
Well i went for my smear yesterday and told my nurse that i was petrified of the smear results as i was brown spotting for the past two weeks and my smear was over a year late, she tried her best to calm me down and did the test and took some swabs and she said although she can't know what the test will say she told me she is not worried and has not made her raise an eyebrow and that there was no need to fast track it, but i still could not sleep last night so went to see a doctor today and again he told me not to worry, but i can't help it, i have not eaten for 2 days and hardly slept, she said i will get the result back in two weeks time, but didn't it used to be 6 weeks???? i go on holiday on saturday and can't even get excited as i'm literally trembling with fear, yet only a couple of weeks ago i was jumping up and down with excitement to go. :-( just want to cry :weep:

30-05-13, 15:19
Ok calm down and breathe

Don't let this spoil things for you.

The results are usually back within 1-2 weeks not 6 nowadays

You need to go on holiday and enjoy it. Don't waste time worrying over what will be will be.

30-05-13, 15:24
Thanks Nicola, i just can't seem to stop worrying, hoping when i get back of my holiday i will have a letter waiting with good news xxxxx

30-05-13, 16:26
Keel as someone with a complex history with smears I can tell you categorically: do not worry. If all your previous smears have been OK one year out will not make a difference. Cervical cancer takes many years to develop and spotting can be caused by so many other (much more common!) things.


30-05-13, 16:49
Honestly Spacebunny? i am actually late by 17 months :-( all other 3 yearly smears have come back normal before, my nurse said not to worry and stop goggling but i just can't stop shaking with fear, i saw a doctor today as i have the coil and thought it was coming out and he spoke with the nurse who saw me yesterday and she said everything looked fine, do you honestly think if she thought something was amiss she would of done something differently?? She said before i left the room to enjoy my holiday and the only lesson i would of learnt is to keep up to date with my smears,
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, xxxx

30-05-13, 17:59
Well, I hope your lesson has been learnt! Cervical cancer takes 10 years+ to develop, as your previous smears were OK there is very little to worry about - just keep on top of them in the future!:lac:

Have a great holiday!

30-05-13, 18:20
I promise i will spacebunny :winks:, i never want to go through this panic again, i;d feel so much better if i knew my result before i went away, but you have helped calm me down a lot, i think with what my nurse, doctor and you have said to me, i should take on board and realise i'm probably being a little silly. :blush: xxxxxxxxxxx