View Full Version : A helping hand/Advice

30-05-13, 15:24
Hello all,

I am an 18 year old male from the UK. I suffer quite considerably with anxiety.

I am not a 'Full time' sufferer, I'm triggered by situations, the thing is it's most situations don't involve me being alone at home.

Background: I diddnt give my self the best start in life, at age 13 I so stupidly was lead down a path of smoking cannabis (I think this caused it) up until about 16. I also drank underage regular aswell as smoked cigarettes (I still do)

Now I am obviously clean and have been for years, however the damage is done and in my mind it's here to stay.

Situations I struggle in: All things public, walking through town, entering shops, public transport and eating in public...Even family meals at home.

Symptoms: I feel physically sick (I think) or rather I feel an extreme 'build up' of excess energy, adrenalin I presume, that leads to me to think I'm going to be sick...I then panic twice as much.

I do not fear vomiting it self, I fear vomiting in public, of course I feel Ill as a symptom so it truly is a vicious circle.

I consciously know it's ridiculous, and know I cannot be just simply 'Fall ill' because too many people are in the room for example, but I Cannot talk my self out of it.

I have been to a private counsellor for CBT which did not help me at all (£400's worth of treatment)

And I have researched medication Xannax/Valium etc.

Now, I have been to my GP and was given 40mg Propranolol which does nothing for me.

So iv been considering going back and enquiring about Valium. I have read bad things about Xannax, about how it's half-life causes high's and is extremely addictive by nature, with often sever withdrawal symptoms.

I have absolutely no need to be taking any medication daily, as I am not a constant sufferer, I just need a 'crutch' during my hardship so I can at least get a job, or go to college you know?

I am completely at the mercy of my anxiety and I'm getting really tired of it, and want to use medication to get my self back into the real world, remind myself I can do it, and then leave it alone.

In my mind, I MUST get my self into these hard situations, over-come them, and learn from it. But no matter how many times I 'Survive' (:D) say, a bus journey, I will still just as anxious the next time around.

I feel like grabbing my self and slapping my self silly!

I am a socially active person (Before anxiety took hold) who enjoyed company, and hated to be alone. I am now the opposite, which is horrible for my personality type.

Sidenote: I do have an addictive nature. I smoke, and go through periods of heavy drinking (This is my current medicine) lasting usually about 3-4 days, by then I stop oft own accord (It's weird I know)

I would not describe my self as depressed. I mean I often feel crappy about my situation, and about not being able to lead a normal life, but it doesn't get me down...Taking it on the chin and telling my self that one day soon I will man up and move on. (My father was quite old fashioned, too him mental struggles are a myth lmao, but he is a very supporting figure) lol
What do you guys think?

Thanks for reading :)

30-05-13, 16:28
I would definitely go back to your GP and discuss everything that you have written above. This is impacting on your life and education and you need to be able to go to college. Perhaps your doctor could prescribe something else to keep you on an even keel or even refer you to counselling?

30-05-13, 17:14
My main worry is not being able to hold a job or be in education.

I'm sick of being stuck at home due to this crippling anxiety.

I will make an appointment with my GP and see if he will try me with medication, such as Valium.

I'm sure when I explain I will not need to take it daily, and only use it before situations that make me panic, he will agree.

Obviously none of us want to be dependent on medication, but we gotta say enough is enough at some point right?...Especially when I have had CBT to no prevail.