View Full Version : Worst felling ever

30-05-13, 15:28
Hey there I'm not felling good. I don't fell real and I fell cut off from a stable reality. and very anxious and a deep felling of butterfly's in my stomach. And while I lay down I get a falling felling and also fell like in being smotherd an can't breath. I keep thinking of the planet and how it's just floating and it makes me so scared I'm not usually like this I'm usually very sane. I don't know why this has been happening to me lately being so on edge and I'm about to break down every second. For the last 2 months though I've been abusing caffeine about 10 cups of coffee a day could this have anything to do with these so called break downs I'm experiencing.

30-05-13, 15:47
what kind of reality are you talking about, your family, the world? ask yourself why you feel the need to drink so much coffee....try camomile tea or sip water during the day

Roxanne 1986
04-06-13, 22:01
Wow 10 cups of coffe is a lot but it could be the cause of your breakdown & panic, I know exactly how you feel. I suffer from panic attacks and feel as if im dying I also get repeated episodes when I feel nothing is real. But what I recommend for you is drink tons of water please try to avoid any caffeine & try to walk every day at least 20 min, also please relax and take a deep breath remember tht you are real and nothing bad is going to happen, because if it was fatal something serious wouldve happened a long time ago. Blessings to you all

04-06-13, 22:37
Firstly you are sane. Depersonalisation and derealisation are symptoms of anxiety, I've had them, scary I know, but when you feel them, distract yourself, go do something.. Agree caffeine will make you edgy and anxious, water is better.