View Full Version : Is this memory loss?

30-05-13, 18:25
So I don't have major problems like not being able to remember what I did for the day, but I sometimes forget whether I did something or not. For example, yesterday I put a sandwich in the fridge, I remember putting it in, but I don't remember actually opening the fridge and doing it. And just this morning, my dog jumped into bed with me, and then I realized that he wasn't there, but I don't remember him leaving. :/ it just worries me.

Could it all just be my brain tumour anxiety, and that I'm looking into it too much?

---------- Post added at 13:25 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------


30-05-13, 18:47
I wouldn't worry too much, Everyone forgets things like that from time to time. I know I do on a pretty regular basis. I have a seriously s**t memory, and that's for everything. I can ask someone a question, get an answer, and then about a minute later ask the same question again.

30-05-13, 19:00
Thanks for replying! That's very reassuring. :)

30-05-13, 19:21
Yeah, I have that all the time. It drives my boyfriend nuts! And I make lots of lists now so I can keep track of things and remember to do stuff. I have noticed that mine is super correlated to anxiety and racing thoughts--that is, when I'm super stressed, my memory capacity diminishes. :hugs:

30-05-13, 19:25
I know exactly what you mean & I think what you've described is perfectly normal for most of us. When we do things on auto-pilot we don't really take notice of the processes of doing them. Really nothing to worry about xx

30-05-13, 21:01
Thanks so much guys! Your words really do make me feel better. :hugs:
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one going through this. Thanks again!

30-05-13, 22:30
Hello Jenn,

Your post really struck a chord with me because I have worried about memory loss many times!
I have come to the conclusion that we do so many things just on autopilot that we won't remember every thing. I often do something and then when I think back I can't actually remember doing it but its literally because our brain just can't remember every little tiny single detail xxx

31-05-13, 01:32
Hello Cassy, thanks so much for replying. :)
I'm so happy that there are people out there who get and understand what I'm talking about. So thank you! I'm going to try to stop over thinking it, cause I'm totally capable of remembering a lot of other things. Definitely anxiety, haha

Anxiety Jim
31-05-13, 01:56
Rather worryingly it occasionally happens to me when I'm driving, I get to my destination and think, I don't actually remember the journey. It happens lots of other times for me to, so I'd try not to worry, I think it just happens when you're doing things you've done lots of times before and your brain isn't properly engaged.

31-05-13, 02:03
You're probably right, I seriously need to stop over thinking it!

31-05-13, 08:39
I am like this all the time i have stopped worrying about it, but it does annoy me.
It must be something to do with stress and anxiety:doh:

31-05-13, 09:31

I'm so glad I saw this post it has really reassured me. I constantly worry about my memory. In fact I was just sitting here wondering whether I'd washed my hands after feeding my fish!

The thing about being on autopilot is really true, we just do some things so naturally that we don't have need to remember them and when we're anxious we notice these gaps in memory which we don't when we're calm.

i often find when I'm calm I'm perfectly normal then I have these little panic moments where I'm like 'Wait what happened there?' When what really happened is I just stopped panicking and started living normally.

Take care.

31-05-13, 11:46
If it makes any one feel better, a few years ago I was in a shop with my friend and she asked if I thought the curtains she was looking at would look good in her lounge. I went to reply and then realised I couldn't remember where she lived or what her house looked like! It took me a minute to even remember, she had recently moved and all I kept picturing was her old flat. I literally couldn't remember what her new house looked like even though I had been there many times! It was so scary but it was years ago now and my memory has not got any worse lol xx

31-05-13, 13:30
If this is a sign of something serious then I'm in real trouble :doh:! My memory and concentration these past few weeks has been appalling! Not just that but I lose things easily, put things where they shouldn't be (milk in cupboard, sugar in fridge) and forget what I'm doing even when I'm doing it. This morning while walking to work I was meant to pop into the local shop for something (can't remember what :wacko:!!) but the next thing I know I'm at work and the shop has completely bypassed me! I have no idea where my mind was for that 20 minute walk! I wouldn't say I was overly anxious but I do have things on my mind so that could explain it. It still makes me feel really stupid though - I don't know how I get by some days :D! xx

31-05-13, 21:23

I'm so glad I saw this post it has really reassured me. I constantly worry about my memory. In fact I was just sitting here wondering whether I'd washed my hands after feeding my fish!

The thing about being on autopilot is really true, we just do some things so naturally that we don't have need to remember them and when we're anxious we notice these gaps in memory which we don't when we're calm.

i often find when I'm calm I'm perfectly normal then I have these little panic moments where I'm like 'Wait what happened there?' When what really happened is I just stopped panicking and started living normally.

Take care.

Thanks for the reply!
I'm so happy I'm not the only one going through this. These last few days have been stressful because I'm going away tomorrow, and I'm just worried my anxiety will be bad.

Take care!

---------- Post added at 16:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

Thanks everyone for responding to my question.
I didn't know my situation was this common, haha. Take care everyone!

31-05-13, 21:25
Jim- I get that too when driving! I think "how the bloody hell did I get here already"? But I know I am driving safely, I am just on auto-pilot. Having asked around about this, it is seemingly a very very common feeling. Xx