View Full Version : ok i've had enough of this now

30-05-13, 16:01
here goes, so I'm afraid to go out, why? I have no valid reason.
then I sit here all day doing nothing, I can't focus on nothing and anyone, this is worse during school holidays, so night times is even more entertaining than my day time activities, as you know I've done not a lot of anything during the day so relaxing in bed for me is actually worse than sitting on the sofa all day, so the palpitations start, breathing becomes impossible, and at least 2 times a night I have nightmares, followed by vomiting and nearly passing out in the bathroom. Every single day for the last 18 months

30-05-13, 16:20
Sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time.

What does your doctor say about it all? Have they prescribed any medication for you or offered you counselling?

Are you able to keep busy in the day time to distract yourself?

Sending hugs

30-05-13, 16:47
my first counselling appointment is on Monday, just hope I can hold it together long enough to get there

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

also I have nothing to keep me busy, I live in a dirty little flat, no sound proof from the people upstairs, mice running around the place, we share a boiler, the council doesn't want to help me, and I have no family or friends that live in this area. The only thing that keeps me going most days is my youngest daughter. 4 years I've lived like this...I can't take anymore....the landlord is always blaming me for things I haven't done:weep:, its best she has gone away this week....she deserves more than this

30-05-13, 20:31
Sometimes when we can't take it anymore it forces us into action.

When you've truly had enough it's a good time to test out those beliefs that have been keeping you trapped.

30-05-13, 20:53
Hello Paws4fault75,
I know the feeling I am experiencing the same thing just now. I lay in bed with the telly on all day but not actually watching it. And if I need to go out I'll put it off as long as I can or talk myself out of going and say I'll do it tomorrow but it never happens.
I think joining NMP as a positive step because personally knowing that their are other people that know how am feeling and what am going through and I can connect and no one judges you helps.
I really hope your first counselling appointment goes well for you.