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View Full Version : Can brain tumor be not visible for doctors?

30-05-13, 16:15
I get these sharp, shooting pains in the back of my head and scalp and sometimes the pain goes in different places but what scares me is that there actually is this one place where it hurts me most often. What if I have tumor there? I'm scared because I went to three different doctors and one of them is one of the best neurologists in my country and since I have back and neck problems they told me that is what causes me the pain (plus anxiety), I even did a CT scan that came out clear, yet I still can't convince myself. I can't make myself believe. I am so 'sure' that I have brain tumor that nobody can see that it just makes me feel insane! Cause the pain is real, it hurts in this one particular place and it's just, HOW can it not be tumor? What could it be? Is it possible for the doctors not to see it, or to be invisible on the CT scan? I've been dealing with this for an year and the doctors told me I would be dead by now if it was an untreated tumor and just to relax, but I can't! This is destroying me, I swear!

30-05-13, 16:52
I know how you feel only my ct scan wasn't clear, it showed 3 shadows which my gp said wasn't cancer or i hadn't had a stroke.

30-05-13, 16:55
I quite often get sudden sharp pains in my head too, usually on the side of me head, not to mention they bloody hurt.
I believe it is caused by muscles aswell, either in the back or the neck. If you had a cat scan done and it was clear, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :)
My uncle had a brain tumor, and the doctor knew what it was even before he had testing done. Try to relax. (I know easier said than done) :flowers:

30-05-13, 17:08
I have spots like that, especially ones that hurt when I touch them. They seem to be muscles--maybe muscle knots? I agree that doctors would have found any tumors, as they tend to do lots of tests when there is even the slightest doubt.

30-05-13, 17:11
I just hope my 3 shadows on my ct scan aren't tumours but i don't think they would have made me wait 9 weeks for an mri. I hope anyway :unsure:

30-05-13, 17:15
Zippy. There is no way they would make you wait if they suspected a brain tumor. They move fast when it comes to these things :winks:

31-05-13, 01:11
I quite often get sudden sharp pains in my head too, usually on the side of me head, not to mention they bloody hurt.
I believe it is caused by muscles aswell, either in the back or the neck. If you had a cat scan done and it was clear, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :)
My uncle had a brain tumor, and the doctor knew what it was even before he had testing done. Try to relax. (I know easier said than done) :flowers:

thanks for the comforting words... i really do hope it's nothing

31-05-13, 09:17
--maybe muscle knots?

This is a very likely explanation.

Google 'trigger points neck headache'. Quite often the actual location of the problem (muscle tension) is the back of the head, where the neck muscles meet the head, but the pain is actually felt (reffered pain) in the side/front of the head.

31-05-13, 09:51
I promise you that if they even remotely suspect its anything suspicious they will refer you straight the way for tests and as CT is the quickest test that's the one they will use, if they say they didn't find anything then be assured that they didn't, a CT scan will show up a brain tumor.
Also bear in mind that head pain is one of the commonest causes of pain and will often be referred pain which can come from many places in the body, the neck being the most popular.
Tension headaches are the most common as we probably all know on here.
Ice pick pains are very common especially in younger people.
So be assured that you do not have a brain tumor and relax and enjoy your life, you will probably find your pains decrease then, get girlfriend to massage your neck or place warm towels round it.

31-05-13, 16:37
I promise you that if they even remotely suspect its anything suspicious they will refer you straight the way for tests and as CT is the quickest test that's the one they will use, if they say they didn't find anything then be assured that they didn't, a CT scan will show up a brain tumor.
Also bear in mind that head pain is one of the commonest causes of pain and will often be referred pain which can come from many places in the body, the neck being the most popular.
Tension headaches are the most common as we probably all know on here.
Ice pick pains are very common especially in younger people.
So be assured that you do not have a brain tumor and relax and enjoy your life, you will probably find your pains decrease then, get girlfriend to massage your neck or place warm towels round it.

Thank you! Your words really calmed me down a little.