View Full Version : Ultrasound of Ovaries

30-05-13, 19:27

I'm new to this site but have been reading some of the other posts and have found them very helpful and been very impressed with the support everyone on here gives to each other.

I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice. I've suffered from health anxiety for about 13 years now and for the last few years have been relatively ok and managed to control my fears. However I lost my grandmother to cancer late last year and my sister was diagnosed with cervical cancer earlier this year (she's on the mend now, it was caught early and surgery was the only treatment required). These incidents started my mind going and I started to get pain in the flank area, my back and abdomen just at the bottom of my rib cage (i should point out that i've had episodes of this type of pain in the past that was put down to IBS and went away on its own) also at the same time had a medical at work that showed microscopic blood in my urine. I went to the doctors and was referred to a urologist. He carried out a CT scan and cystoscopy, both were fine and showed no urological symptoms. The CT scan did however pick up a slight abnormality on one of my ovaries. The urologist discussed this with a Gyn who said that he thought it was just that the scan had caught me during ovulation or that it was a cyst that had just burst. He booked me for a follow up ultrasound in six weeks (this I'm due to have next week). I was told that this was nothing to worry about and that the follow up scan was for my piece of mind to confirm their initial diagnosis (the urologist was great and was aware of my anxiety and the fact that my sister had just been diagnosed with cancer, so was really trying to re-assure me). Anyway since then the doubts have crept in and I have mysteriously developed pains in my lower abdomen and pelvic region (around the ovary area). Up until they told me about the ovary issue I had no symptoms so I'm wondering if the pain is in my head because I'm focused on that area. I'm now worrying that the Drs may have missed something on the scan and that I may have an ovarian cancer growing inside that has now been left for a further six weeks. I'm driving myself mad with worry and keep looking up ovarian cancer symptoms on the Internet (which I know I shouldn't do) and trying to match them to the pain I have. I try to tell myself that if they had seen anything on the CT scan that worried them they wouldn't have sent me away for six weeks, but the doubt keeps creating back in. The treatment I've had has all been private to, so they been quite forthcoming with tests.

Sorry for the long post, I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance that I should take note of what the Dr said and stop trying to diagnose myself!

Thanks for taking the time to read this xxx

30-05-13, 20:03
I know that concentrating on certain areas of my body definitely makes me more aware of pain--I'll get a pain there, then I start concentrating, and then any time I get the tiniest twinge of pain I'm freaking out. (I did want to mention--have they checked your gallbladder? I get pain in those areas and I just found out I have gallstones.)

They would have definitely been more urgent if they had any suspicion of something more sinister, and they would have picked up on that with the scans. Have they investigated cystitis, btw? That can cause the symptoms and also microscopic blood in the urine. Runs in my family AND my cat has it. Pretty common I guess but not nearly as scary as cancer or (in my opinion) cysts. Though I have had ovarian cysts that caused me a lot of problems but ultimately went away! :hugs:

30-05-13, 20:31
Thank you so much for your reply, I know I have to try and stop concentrating on every little pain and twinge I get. With regards to the gallbladder issue. They are actually going to scan that as well next week although my Dr said he thinks it will be clear.

Oh I wish this health anxiety would go away!!!

30-05-13, 20:54
i agree we can find symptoms which occur when we are worrying about something specific. sorry about your sister, glad shes on the mend, you have alot on your plate and this probably does not help, dont worry about the scans, they will relieve your worry so thats a good thing, you take care and blessings

30-05-13, 21:04

I've had problems with my ovaries and tubes and stuff for years. I had no pain at the start I was just in some discomfort, as soon as the GP referred me for a scan, I instantly started feeling pain, it's very strange.
I had a big long bout of UTIs then my pelvis was imflammed, had cystitis since I was 14 I'm now 24.
I had scans and internal scans and everything that picked up the small tiny harmless cyst I had and then a small bit of endometriosis which I've just had removed and I'm fine, however I felt very different that time my mobility was effected and everything.
my point is a scan would of picked up anything sinister or anything that required further investigation. The more I focused on it the more it felt painful, but it wasn't really that painful.

31-05-13, 10:01
Hiya, I have had MANY scans of my ovaries as I've had fertility treatment (IVF). During this treatment your ovaries swell up to the size of oranges - however, apart from bloating there is no pain. Like others have said when you focus on something it makes the pain seem worse - this is probably whats going on here with you (no offence!). The doctors are skilled at what they do and would not send you away for 6 weeks if they for one moment thought you had ovarian cancer. By the way cysts and follicles look very different on a scan compared to a tumour and would be recognisable. I know there are all sorts of horror stories in the news but those are the absolute rare exceptions. you don't hear about the 99.99999% who are OK because it doesn't make a good story.

all the best and stay away from Google! xxx