View Full Version : dr ordered stat ultrasound

30-05-13, 20:18
Im so worried. I went to a clinic for my abdominal pain complaints and he sent me for a STAT ultrasound. Kinda scared. what if it's bad news? He said it might be the start of a series of tests. If he's worried imagine me

30-05-13, 20:47
firstly i dont think i know what a STAT ultrasound is sorry for being so dense. try not to worry about the result if you can, the dr is only doing the best and its better to know what is going on, the chances are it will be fine, at least you are going to get the tests you need, you take care blessings

30-05-13, 21:09
Sorry. It means right away. He sent me straight from clinic to imaging center.
Thanks for your encouraging words

30-05-13, 21:30
Based on what you wrote, I don't think it is a 'stat' ultrasound in the way that you are worried about.

A 'stat' ultrasound would be if a Dr (for example) saw something alarming in a blood test and told you to go right away.

I think the Dr sent you right away because he could probably see that you were stressed and wanted test. Dr's have protocols for tests. They need to be in a certain order (example, ultrasound, referal, etc...).

The Dr prob knew you were stressed, and got you to go right away so that you can get stress relief sooner.

30-05-13, 22:01
It's ok, I have had lots of abdo problems for years and when I went down my doctor did the same, I was given a referral for the same day, I had a small harmless cyst and had some anti biotics tablets for an imflammed pelvis, again when I had some pain a few years later I went down again and I was seen at the scan clinic the next day, always been fairly quick, just try not to worry, it's not uncommon :-) x