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View Full Version : My 8yr old going for chest xray tomorrow..terrified it will be something awful

30-05-13, 20:31
My gorgeous little boy has had a cough for about 7 weeks now, it started after he had a little cold. It hasn't got any better and the dr has now put him on an inhaler (he doesn't think it is asthma) but it is helping with his cough. He used to cough all night, now it's only a couple of times and probably 3/4 coughing fits in the day. He listened to his chest and couldn't hear anything but said he will send him for a chest xray in case of an infection. He hasn't had a temp, is eating for England and no other illness/tiredness at all. Please reassure me I'm shaking as I type this I'm so scared it will be cancer.
PS He also has a habit of clearing his throat a lot too

30-05-13, 20:49
worrying about your child is terrible, but its good that they are keeping a close eye, i am sure he will be fine, try not to panic unless there is need to i hope it all goes well and blessing to you and your son

30-05-13, 23:22
my daughter had to have an heart scan when she was 4 due to an heart murmer. luckily she was fine. she is 6 now. & my son at to have an mri scan on his bum when he was 3 due to a small hole. he,s ok..he is now 5. & it is a worry but if he seems good then all should be good. may just be a deep infection what the docters can find with there things & just need special equiptment so that,s why they are doin a chest xray to look deeper & prescribe more hard hitting antibiotics. please let me know.

31-05-13, 18:08
Thank you fruity, the x-ray went fine and she showed us his x-ray too. My little boy loved it!! I asked her if she could see anything as I was anxious, she said a radiologist would have to look at it but she said it looked fine to her. So I'm guessing if anything obvious or dreadful she would have seen it?!!
Got to wait a week for the results

31-05-13, 21:43
it always amazes me that you have to wait for the results, like you say.... I'd also think if anything obvious or dreadful was there, she would have seen it. so it does sound ok doesn't it. plus I wouldn't think they'd show you it if they thought there was something amiss as they'd not know if you knew how to read the x-ray or not? I dunno, i'm not an expert but that's how I read it. at least the actually experience went well & they put you at your ease. funny how you little boy loved it too.

31-05-13, 21:59
There is a cough going around it lasts for ages and starts
off worse at night and gradually gets better. Ive had it
and have now stopped coughing and so has someone else
I know. Im sure it will be fine:)

31-05-13, 22:36
Its probable that the person who did the xray has seen thousands and if she said it looks on then it probably is' children scare the **** outof is and so glad he's good x

01-06-13, 07:56

Just wanted to say my little boy had this a while back and they just put it down to a bit of asthma brought on by a nasty virus, he's fine now.

Also a few years ago I started working at a college and picked up this virus which left me with a cough for weeks and weeks. My dr was going to send me for a chest x ray as it had been going on so long and then it suddenly went.

So try not to worry I think it's quite common for coughs to linger for a very long time.

take care