View Full Version : chest aches and pains still

30-05-13, 20:34
i ve had this problem for nearly a year now its everyday its driving me mad i am still not convinced its anxiety despite having 3 ecgs and blood tests done all of them was normal. my massage therapist said it could be posture as i have upper back pain aswell because i sit hunched over a computer a lot but i am not sure. if anyone else has this and found ways to re leave it please share lol :-)

30-05-13, 21:02

I have this, but sadly still haven't a clue how to relieve it. It has been so bad today that I haven't even left the house.

Hopefully someone will eventually come on and let us all know the solution!! In the meantime, I guess we just struggle on.

30-05-13, 21:05
horrible isnt it :-(

30-05-13, 22:06
Hi eddy1608

I see you are talking about my old friend chest pain/aches.
Mine is coming up to 4 years and I have had most tests done over that time and also 2 trips with the lights flashing to A&E. They say my heart if FINE and I went on for about 3 years not believing this.

And you know what the cause is it is another friend of mine Poor Posture. Us anxiety sufferers are awful people in a way we live our life with or muscles tensing up (Fight or Flight response) and also a slumped in our favourite position on the sofa and that is not good for our posture and muscular system.

I have a chest condition called costochondritis and that can be aggravated by poor posture.

So I sometime wear a back/shoulder brace and it works wonders by opening my chest area by pulling my shoulders back thus helping take tension of my chest.

Mr m anxious
30-05-13, 22:41
Sorry to say this but thank god I'm not the only one, I've been suffering with aches for four months, at the moment its my neck thats very tense. I agree with ace, my posture isn't helping. I noticed myself in my glass patio door the other day and I stand like a caveman and I also slump in a chair most days when I'm not at work which I've only done since my anxiety started in December. I know have a muscle in my back/shoulder that is stuck in spasm, if I press on it I get pins and needles all down my left side.
Bloody stuck in this HA circle.
Good luck with yours guys