View Full Version : Tingling tips?!!

01-10-06, 21:01
Hi guys,

I'm having a relapse with my good old friend (and foe!) anxiety, but although I seem to be getting better in some senses (e.g. less agorophobic, less 'panic'), for the past few days, I've started to feel really tingly all over, including (bizarrely!) the left side of my head! I'm covered in goose bumps and am constantly freezing too. Does anyone else have this? If so, any tips for making it go away? And how long does it last for? It's not a bad side effect of anxiety, but it is really annoying and pretty hard to ignore!

I assume it's adrenaline whizzing around my system, but any more info on why it is happening would be a real help too! I've just been for a swim, which I thought would burn some of it off, but no difference.

01-10-06, 22:52
my name is vanessa and i have this all the time pins and needles up my arms and hands im sick of feeling like this

02-10-06, 20:59
I get twitchy or tingly sometimes. And I do exercise gently which seems to help. Otherwise it interferes with my sleep and that makes me feel even more twitchy!

There's a whole bundle of symptoms that anxiety causes, and lots are listed on the Home Page. It makes interesting (and reassuring) reading! Hope this helps.


04-10-06, 22:09
hi yes ive had that alot more recently, not a pleasant feeling but it seems to go quite quickly. I have always had numbness and tingling and some times paralysis a little like a stroke. My eyes twitch my lip drops on one side and I can even slaver. Very embarasing but harmless. Like always just occupy your mind try a shower or bath wash your hair and masage yr scalp.
good luck hope it helps.


15-03-07, 11:59
hello hym and andrea, I also have been suffering with pins n needles on the left side of my head,face! I thought it was bizzar to,also that there was something really wrong but no, just another one of those weired and wonderful things that go hand in hand with PA's... the pins n needles, the twitchy eye and occasional dribbly chops! I also have found that a shower and a head massage help Andy. May be worth a try Hym? It does go away and it does come back! I am no help really am I! Keep up the exercise, it all helps.