View Full Version : So heartbroken and majorly crying right now

30-05-13, 20:58
Hi everyone.
Well last sunday we were taking my beloved boxer dog for a run in the park when she collapsed.
She was out for a few seconds and it scared us so much.
She is only 2 years but I have been doing research and it seems that boxers suffer from a particular heart condition which means they can collapse and often die suddenly. It will also shorten their life span.
We have taken her to vets twice since and they say there is nothing to worry about and it was an "isolated" incident. I really can't settle with this and want her to have a heart test done. Apparently a 24 hour holter test is one of the only ways it shows up. The problem is this will cost me over hundreds if pounds and I simply cannot afford it all.
I am so so scared that she will drop down dead at any moment or she will be diagnosed and only given a few months to live.
I've been reading so many horrible stories online about boxers that have died young due to this disorder.
I wont be able to cope if she dies. I thought I had so much longer with her.

30-05-13, 21:08
I'm really upset reading this, I love animals and the thought of this really upsets me.
I'd be the same as you very emotional upset, my dog ran away one night I was beside myself I've never seen him since.
If your vet seems quite sure I know it's hard but you need to try and believe them, you reading these stories is just like us googling our own symptoms, blown it of proportion alot of the time and really irrational. However is there anyone you could look into your pet insurance and see if there is any options? For peace of mind? Give your dog a cuddle from me xx

30-05-13, 21:15
I'm really upset reading this, I love animals and the thought of this really upsets me.
I'd be the same as you very emotional upset, my dog ran away one night I was beside myself I've never seen him since.
If your vet seems quite sure I know it's hard but you need to try and believe them, you reading these stories is just like us googling our own symptoms, blown it of proportion alot of the time and really irrational. However is there anyone you could look into your pet insurance and see if there is any options? For peace of mind? Give your dog a cuddle from me xx

Oh god thats really sad :-( I cant imagine how you felt.
I am trying to believe the vet but it seems like a coincidence that boxers have this in their bloodline and she collapsed but its related to something else.

31-05-13, 11:04
Anxiety makes you think off every scenario bar the right and least irrational ones.
I know what you must feel like, constantly on edge and things but you need to trust the vet and it will pass soon enough :) x

Granny Primark
31-05-13, 11:18
My heart goes out to you.:hugs::hugs::hugs: We had a simlar situation happen to a few years ago.
And 2 years ago our shizhu broke his spinal cord jumping on our bed. We paid £895 to have him operated on but it was the best money we have ever spent.
I was wondering if the pdsa could help?

01-06-13, 19:16
My heart goes out to you.:hugs::hugs::hugs: We had a simlar situation happen to a few years ago.
And 2 years ago our shizhu broke his spinal cord jumping on our bed. We paid £895 to have him operated on but it was the best money we have ever spent.
I was wondering if the pdsa could help?

I don't think the PDSA offer ECGs or Cardiologists.

What was your similar situation if you dont mind me asking?

I am becoming obsessed actually, I feel like I'm having a breakdown. I am watching her all the time and keep thinking she will drop down dead any momenr.
She hasnt actually been diagnosed with anything yet.

Granny Primark
02-06-13, 13:16
Our little puppy named Bruno died died christmas eve about 6 years ago. He just collapsed and died in our garden. He was a cross breed. He had been at the vets for a few days then we were allowed to take him home. I have nicknames for all the animals weve had. (and my God weve had loads lol) His was fluffpup and our dog stanley I call me little muppet. Bet you can gather now Im animal mad! lol.

02-06-13, 14:07
I don't think what I have got to say will make you feel any different but I will say it anyway.
It's a long time since we had our dogs-- they are at peace in our garden.
We had a Jack Russell bitch and she had 6 puppies.(crossbred)
All went to good homes except for one which we kept because she was so cute,
anyway she used to collapse for a minuet now and again when out for a walk.
I cannot remember if she had any treatment or not, but she died at the age
of fourteen. I know it will make no difference if I tell you not to worry, because I
know you will GirlAfraid.

02-06-13, 15:09
Our little puppy named Bruno died died christmas eve about 6 years ago. He just collapsed and died in our garden. He was a cross breed. He had been at the vets for a few days then we were allowed to take him home. I have nicknames for all the animals weve had. (and my God weve had loads lol) His was fluffpup and our dog stanley I call me little muppet. Bet you can gather now Im animal mad! lol.

May I ask what your puppy died of and how old he was?
I'm sorry you went through that :(

---------- Post added at 15:09 ---------- Previous post was at 15:07 ----------

I don't think what I have got to say will make you feel any different but I will say it anyway.
It's a long time since we had our dogs-- they are at peace in our garden.
We had a Jack Russell bitch and she had 6 puppies.(crossbred)
All went to good homes except for one which we kept because she was so cute,
anyway she used to collapse for a minuet now and again when out for a walk.
I cannot remember if she had any treatment or not, but she died at the age
of fourteen. I know it will make no difference if I tell you not to worry, because I
know you will GirlAfraid.

Aww thank you for this, it has helped a little. Although different breed, she may have also had a heart issue.
I just hope she doesn't have another one and twas just a one off.
Got another vets appointment tomorrow so going discuss my fears.

02-06-13, 15:26
I hope you get positive answers GirlAfraid:hugs::hugs::hugs:All the best

02-06-13, 16:39
my little dog is 16 this year...every morning the first thing I do is look over to his bed to see if he's breathing...no help to you but I understand...big huuuuugs

02-06-13, 16:51
Have you asked the vet weather you can do a payment plan with them or see if their is another vet were you can pay in instalments xx

04-06-13, 15:46
She has an appointment at a cardiologist in London on Friday to check as we persisted with the vet.

04-06-13, 16:55
Sorry you are so upset about the incident your boxer had, yes they are prone to heart problems but so are lots of doogies, just that boxers can have genetic problems, your vet is right though it is probably nothing to worry about, at the moment you are not having the enjoyment from him because you are grieving for him even though he is still with you, have you got a good diet for him because that's another thing with boxers they have a poor digestive system so cannot have lots of tip bits like other breeds, they can have allergies as well.
Was it warm that day and was he tearing around like a mad thing, exhaustion can also cause boxers to collapse, the good thing is that he was only out for seconds.
The reason I have posted on here is because my Mum used to breed Boxer and the Son still has one, his also keels over now and again, and yes he has got a pronounced heart murmur but he is 11 now so not doing to bad, I hope seeing the doggy cardiologist puts your mind at rest.
We have 3 dogs at the moment all rescues but my little Butch who we lost 18 months ago had a bad heart he was 11 and a half.
Our Border Collie had to be allowed to die last year and he was 20 try not to worry just enjoy him, they are all so gorgeous.

04-06-13, 17:19
Hello. I know something of what you are feeling. Last September, I got the terrible news that my Lennon, my dear old cat, is wasting from liver disease. They didn't think it was cancer, but at his advanced age (seventeen) they didn't think there was anything they could do that wouldn't make him worse. The only thing is to keep him comfortable throughout the rest of his life.

It's not easy watching a beloved pet slowly go. What's worse is that he has a heart murmur, high blood pressure and the chance of seizure. I check on him every day, at regular intervals. I feed him, I keep his digestive system running as smoothly as I can (elderly cats get constipated as their bowel motility lessens). But no matter what I do he *is* getting skinnier, his tummy is getting more swollen when he's full, and I can see that he's going to go in the next few weeks to months.

When I first found out, I had anxiety attacks. Not panic attacks, just huge worrying sessions that would eat me up and wear me out. But what I keep telling myself, what you need to tell yourself, is this:

You are doing what you can for your pet. You are fighting valiantly for their life, and you are making sure that every day here is comfortable, and full of love. You cannot control the outcome of the situation by worrying - what will be will be, and making yourself sick about it isn't going to help your lovely puppy, and isn't going to help you. Uncertainties are terrifying, and it's okay to be terrified about that. You are facing something rather unpleasant, and you will feel unpleasant. You will have anticipatory grief, or if anything happens, regular brand grief, and these are normal human reactions. They cannot hurt you, no matter how much you feel you are broken inside from the aching. It's okay to feel bad. Do not be afraid to feel bad about this - it's okay to feel bad about this.

You have to be kind to yourself and let yourself feel what you need to feel. Cry. Accept that you're going to worry. Don't let yourself worry so much that you're a mess, but let the thoughts and feelings flow through you, as if you were watching a parade. Acknowledge them, and understand them.

I hope for the best possible outcome for you and your puppy. I know my words might not be the most helpful when you're in the middle of a tense situation. Usually when I'm in that place, there's one thing I need to hear, and I'm going to say it to you:

Everything is going to be okay. You will be all right. You will get through this.

04-06-13, 19:47
Sorry you are so upset about the incident your boxer had, yes they are prone to heart problems but so are lots of doogies, just that boxers can have genetic problems, your vet is right though it is probably nothing to worry about, at the moment you are not having the enjoyment from him because you are grieving for him even though he is still with you, have you got a good diet for him because that's another thing with boxers they have a poor digestive system so cannot have lots of tip bits like other breeds, they can have allergies as well.
Was it warm that day and was he tearing around like a mad thing, exhaustion can also cause boxers to collapse, the good thing is that he was only out for seconds.
The reason I have posted on here is because my Mum used to breed Boxer and the Son still has one, his also keels over now and again, and yes he has got a pronounced heart murmur but he is 11 now so not doing to bad, I hope seeing the doggy cardiologist puts your mind at rest.
We have 3 dogs at the moment all rescues but my little Butch who we lost 18 months ago had a bad heart he was 11 and a half.
Our Border Collie had to be allowed to die last year and he was 20 try not to worry just enjoy him, they are all so gorgeous.

Yes she was tearing about like a lunatic and it was quite warm too.
It says online that they can faint due to excitement or over the top exercise.
I do want to believe the vet but I have a niggling in the back of my head that it could be more.
Dont know if thats the anxiety controlling my mind though?

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:42 ----------

Thank you for your comment amaryllis celladine.
Its helpful to hear these things sometimes, I do hope she has some life left in her yet :-(

04-06-13, 20:11
After reading your answer I am sure she will be fine, they are not made like other dogs, It was quite common for my Mum to ring me and say can you take one of the girls to the vets she fainted, my mum had loads of them and they all lived to be about 10/11 so not bad ages considering a couple had the heart murmurs, and my Sons has a grade 3 and now has to be on lead when they walk him so he doesn't over do it.
When are you taking her to see cardi man, I am sure she will be fine, and all the days events point to over doing it.