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30-05-13, 21:00
Ive had nausea and extreme tiredness for past 3 weeks also feels like my tummy is abit upset im fed up with it its makeing me really panicy I keep hideing

30-05-13, 21:42
I was given new tablets this morning by my GP and the nausea, tirednes and upset tummy all sound like side effects discribed in the leaflet. So if you are on medication it could be that. I was on different medication and built up an intolorence to them so doesn't need to be a new medicin your on.

30-05-13, 21:47
Fluff. This is all signs of your water infection, I felt hideous for weeks with mine, and whilst I was recovering, in all it was about 6 weeks, nausea, headache, neck ache, chills, fatigue. It was awful, honestly it's surprising how bad a uti can effect you, it sounds you have a upper uti which is when it effects you more, so it's no surprise your down. I had to take tablets for like 4 days before the nausea shifted, you get anxious when you worry more which intensifies xx

30-05-13, 21:48
Anxiety makes me feel like this. Nausea and tummy upset is the worst symptom of anxiety for me.

30-05-13, 21:53
Yep, I had to go GP, walk in and a&e before I was convinced it was UTI, as I was so anxious, the few hours I left the hospital,me felt lousy but I wasn't AS lousy as the anxiety was passing.

31-05-13, 12:11
Ive been to gp uti not there so they going to run blood tests but they think it all anxiety :-/ than anything. Serious