View Full Version : Twitching worry :(

30-05-13, 22:29
Does anybody else get twitching for no apparent reason? It's not massively noticeable, nobody's ever mentioned it, but it's little twitches, usually of knees, legs, hands, stomach or neck/head, on and off throughout the day and sometimes it's on my mind more than others.

It seems like I'm always waiting for the twitching to happen, I don't know whether it's anxiety related, psychological, or whether it could be a symptom of something more serious like MS :(? Can some people generally be just 'twitchy' people? I mentioned it to my dr before and he said it's very common but surely not this much?

30-05-13, 22:32
Hello Shaunna,

This actually used to be one of my biggest worries; muscle twitching.
Every one gets it but the thing is if you have anxiety and you notice it then you really start to see every single muscle twitch whereas most people wouldn't notice every thing their body did.
If your dr was worried they would have sent you for further tests. If you really cant get this out of your head why not go back and tell them how bad your anxiety is because of this? If you ever want to chat please message me xxx

30-05-13, 22:36
Thank you for your fast reply :) That's a good point about the doctor obviously not being too worried, I might mention it to him again if it keeps worrying me xxx

30-05-13, 23:57
I get it too Hun - I do think its common for anxiety - I was told with things like MS u should get some clinical symptoms like - dropped foot , madly off balance or a eye going out - optic neuritis - just the twitching wouldn't be enough I don't think - I have all sorts of weird symptoms but I've had a clear MRI and low and behold a lot of my symptoms went when I got that result - probably thus proving it was anxiety or a phase of something or another x

31-05-13, 00:35

Muscle twitching (or fasciculation’s to use the clinical name) is a very common condition with anxiety suffers and it is a by product of anxiety.

I have had major muscle twitching for over 2 years now in my calf muscles on both legs looks lick bag of pop corn popping and that is constant 27/7 365 days a year I have seen a neurologist and they have told me it is a condition called benign fasciculation syndrome it is total harmless and is nothing to worry about.

Believe me I have studied this in some detail and have spoken to people who have had muscle twitching brought on via major illnesses and unless you have other symptoms along with the twitching it is just anxiety induced.

03-06-13, 13:05
Hi everyone,

Iwas just curious to know, if this twitching can also be due to the side effect of the anti depressant being taken. I have just begun Zoloft 50 mg, and after 2 days, I have had terrible muscle twitching and pain in my legs which has now progressed to my hands as well. My GP says its anxiety, but I am not quite sure..

03-06-13, 14:47
Yeah i get this too, hands, arms, it subsided after i had my most recent panic attack. x

03-06-13, 16:50
Just want to say this was my very first anxiety symptom twitching , it started in my eye but as soon as I worried about it I started to notice it everywhere I to was convinced it was ms, I pestered my doctor who thinks I'm the local nutter I'm sure, I learned t love with it after months wasted of my life. Now I hardly notice it and I'm sure everybody gets it but not everybody notices it, the biggest cause for twitching is stress s it really is a vicious circle , take care x

03-06-13, 22:18
Hi Shaunna. Lets just say that twitching and anxiety go together like a runny nose and a common cold! I have had muscle twitches in muscles that I didn't even know existed. From the top of my scalp to my little toe! Its extremely common - I really think those of us who focus on our health simply notice it more than other people.

For me, the twitches died down after I stopped focusing on them. I also found that exercise helped if that's something you can do... once I started running I found that a lot of my anxiety related symptoms waned.