View Full Version : The funeral was today and was the hardest thing I've ever done xx

30-05-13, 23:09
Today was the worst day of my life seeing dad at the chapel of rest wasn't what I thought it was I could of stayed with him alday because I knew that once I went out the door I was never hoing to see him again and that for me was the worst possible thing since he passed away I've not been to bad because I was going to see him again but today when that car was here that was it Ive lost the first man I've ever known in my life he was my dad we walked In front of the hurst he always said his girls did him proud the songs that was sang suited him silver linings was so beautiful I wanted to get up and dance I could see my dad dancing singing and smiling to me I couldn't cry anymore if I tried I'm going to miss my dad everyday for the rest of my life it hurts deep inside deep I don't no how I'm hoing to deal with this at all x

31-05-13, 00:42
That's so sad, sorry to hear today was so difficult. I'm sure it'll be a difficult few months for you, but in time the pain will fade and you'll remember all the fond memories you have of him. X

31-05-13, 08:05
Massive hugs to you! Sounds like reality it really kicking in. You are doing so well to get through such a difficult day. Your did your dad proud. You've got through the worst day, there's not a lot worse than today. You will get through this.

31-05-13, 08:34
Sending you hugs illgetthere:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

31-05-13, 08:40

31-05-13, 08:56
Indeed Massive hugs to you....... like the others said, the reality is certainly kicking in but did so well to get through such a difficult day. You definitely did your dad proud. I thought it was really lovely how you wanted to get up & dance & how you could see your dad dancing singing and smiling to you. That's such a good way to think about this. And yes you have got through the worst day and how well you have handled it. I am proud of you & I am certain your dad would be proud of you too.
It's hard to believe it now, but it is true that in time the pain will fade. You really will remember all the fond memories you have of your dad and you can keep sharing them here with us too.
All my best.........xXx

31-05-13, 09:53
I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like a beautiful ceremony. Big hugs xxx

Granny Primark
31-05-13, 10:06
Massive :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

My heart and thoughts go out to you.
Il never forget seeing my mum in the chapel of rest. I held her hand and didnt want to let go of it.
My mums been dead 29 years and I think of her all the time.
It sounds silly but everytime we drive past the cemetry I always say love you mum love you dad.
Things will get better trust me.

31-05-13, 10:09
Sending :hugs: can't even imagine your pain right now :hugs: x x

31-05-13, 11:29

Sorry for your loss, you were very brave and you have some lovely memories of your Dad which you must hang on to.

31-05-13, 12:13
Im so sorry about the loss of your Dad. My Dad died coming up 4 years ago and like you feel about your dad, he was the most wonderful man. He lived with us for 20 years, after the death of my Mum.
Im glad that you managed to go to the Chapel of Rest and that it gave you comfort.
Its quite normal to cry lots and then have empty feelings. I still have days now where my dad is on my mind all the time and i cry, and not a day goes by without i think of him, but as others have said, this will get easier to bear with time.
My d/in/law sent me this after my Dad died:

"A part of you is part of me, so you see, its you and me together for ever, never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart".

My thoughts are with you xx

31-05-13, 20:53
"A part of you is part of me, so you see, its you and me together for ever, never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart".

I really like that

31-05-13, 22:56
So sorry. It's an old cliche but time is a great healer. My mum died suddenly 5 years ago and my dad 2 years ago. It gets easier and you remember all the good times. He will live on in your thoughts. Have a photo out on show. Talk about him. All in time. Thinking of you x x

31-05-13, 23:13
I just want to say, I'm so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts :hugs:
I'm sure you have many beautiful memories that will live on forever in your heart. My belief is even when someone passes, I believe they are always around us. I find a lot of comfort knowing that.. xo:hugs:

01-06-13, 09:12
I thank-you all for your words I'm not good ATM I just want yo take a pill to numb it I've never been do dedperate to see someone but cruel fact I can't it's just all wrong x

01-06-13, 16:12
i.m so sorry for your loss sending you hugs illgetthere :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

01-06-13, 16:37
hugs. awww its so horrible isnt it. my lovely grandma passed away a few weeks ago and yeah i agree knowing u r not going to see them again is the worst :( i hate it. i miss her and my grandad soooo much. but i believe they ae with us in spirit and when our time is here we meet up again. gives me hope.

01-06-13, 19:08
hello so sorry this must be so hard, i am going to say something now which i believe greatly some may not be i really do feel that we all come back and your dad will be with you watching your every move and you can still talk to him, just know that he is with you, so dont feel that he is gone afraid not, he will hang around those he loves the soul is so powerful blessings to you at this sad time

02-06-13, 07:29
Thank-you all your all really helping me with your comforting words I'm glad I have you all to express how I feel I really do xx

Vanilla Sky
02-06-13, 08:41
Im so sorry for your loss. It will get easier to cope with . Hugs to you xxxx