View Full Version : Worried about feeling nauseous every morning :(

31-05-13, 07:50
Hi there

Symptoms are: heartburn/indigestion , belching and nausea worse in the morning!!!!

For nearly three weeks almost every morning I wake up feeling sick about 5am till I actually get up,it settles down around lunch time

I went the docs last week who gave me some larsomprozole for acid reflux but don't think they where working, so I went back on Wednesday and she gave me some domperidine or something like that for the sickness

Anyone else had this its horrible also feel like I've got a weight in my chest /stomach sometimes?

I had a glass of wine last night then a cup of tea before bed then started belching, do you think this has made me worse this morning?

Just keep thinking could this be something more serious!!!!

Thanks Jayne x

31-05-13, 09:24

I think the clue is in your title

Worried about feeling nauseous every morning.

Worry = nausea.

Try not to worry about it (easier said than done of course).

Good luck.

31-05-13, 09:45
Thanks it's really bothering me, I keep doing that belching thing which is unpleasant, is this acid reflux my stomach feels heavy, I'm only 32 and I'm not overweight so don't know why I've got this xx

Kitty Cat
31-05-13, 10:06
Hi Jayne
you could be describing my symptoms exactly. Like you I'm bit worried but trying not let it overwhelm me, The worry ends up being vicious circle. The worry makes your symptoms seem worse, which makes you worry more. You've done the right thing by going to your doctors and I would put my trust in them. If they think it is anything at all serious they will would be sending you off for further tests pronto!!
Try to distract yourself, if you can, I've found that helps, you totally forget about it for a while. It is easier said than done though. I'm sure this will settle in time.

Sending a (((hug)))
Kitty Cat

31-05-13, 10:30
Thanks kitty cat I will try your advise this belching is uncomfortable :( hope the tabs work soon what they have given me! X

31-05-13, 14:58
Anyone else's stomach feel full like heartburn and belching all the time xx

31-05-13, 15:57
Yes, I get that a lot. Have you had your gallbladder checked? Just found out I have gallstones and it's most likely what's causing at least some of my issues. I'm only 24 so nobody's immune! You might also want to try Zantac, which has always worked better for me than things like Prilosec and Prevacid. You could also try cutting out alcohol, tea, tomatoes, chocolate, spicy things, and super fatty things for a week and see if it helps, as those can all aggravate acid reflux. :hugs:

31-05-13, 16:29
Thanks for the reply, no haven't had my gall bladder checked if these tablets what my doc have given me don't work in two weeks I will go back and mention it xx

31-05-13, 16:38
yes worry will cause you to feel so sick, the domperidone are effective but give me a headache, you have to keep on top of taking them to work, i think the worry is always bad first thing because you are thinking of the day ahead panic ensues you take care and blessings

31-05-13, 16:57
I get this a lot, your symptoms sound really similar to mine, even down to the nausea in the morning and belching. The burping suggests you might have a bit of gastritis which is just an irritated tummy.

The meds your doctor gave you will take a couple of weeks to kick in, they say two weeks but I was told two months by a consultant. But after two weeks they should be helping you a lot. Make sure you take them on an empty stomach.

You'll also need to mind your diet for a little while, as meds won't be the whole answer. Google a diet for gastritis or acid reflux and you should find more info very easily. Drink lots if water and avoid tea or alcohol for a little while as they will make it worse.

If feels worse in the mornings because your tummy is empty, having your breakfast (one that's suitable for gastritis) will make you feel better.

I often take a teaspoon of manuka honey and a teaspoon of aloe Vera juice first thing in the morning as they both have a very soothing effect on the stomach!

Lots of people have reflux issues, and suffering from anxiety makes you more prone to it as the stress creates extra acid in your stomach and the physical tension will make things worse.

You should feel ok soon, just give the meds a little time to work, eat well, avoid things that will irritate your tummy and do a little stress reduction work :) x

31-05-13, 17:18
Thanks for the lovely post, and very helpful lots I can try and didn't know to take the tabs on an empty stomach thanks again xx

31-05-13, 17:32
Hi Jaynehal

It sounds like anxiety, and it's a vicious circle.

When my ovarian cancer anxiety was sky high I felt nauseaus all the time, I found it hard to eat or drink anything as I felt like I would be sick.

The minute I had my ovaries checked it stopped but at the time I was adamant it wasn't my anxiety causing it but it obviously was.

Take Care

31-05-13, 18:00
Thanks now it feels like food is stuck in my chest :( is this still acid reflux xx

02-07-13, 23:50
I have EXACTLY the same thing to what you're describing. I seriosuly thought I was the only one. Every morning I feel sick, I continuously belch throughout the day, it's always worse in the mornings but it settles throughout the daytime. I've been to 4 doctors!!! All of them have told me it's gastritis but i'm scared it's something else? P.s. I'm only 19