View Full Version : Vibrating in leg... literally like a phone in my boot.

31-05-13, 11:06
I have SO MANY health issues right now all of which are unexplained at the minute.

But starting on Wednesday the vibrating in my leg, I only noticed it because I reached down and tried to take out my phone (when I worked as a barmaid I had no pockets and we weren't allowed our phones so I hid mine in my boot).

It's intermittent vibrating (vibrates for a second or two then stops for a few more seconds, and repeat) on the inside of my calf (in between calf muscle and ankle) it happens seemingly for no apparent reason at different times of day (when walking, when standing, when sitting) -- anyone else experience this? Or had an explanation for it?

I've started to focus on it so much and it's doing my head in. Is it even worth mentioning this at my next doc's appointment (I feel like my list of potential 'symptoms' is so long right now that I'm having to pick and choose what to mention)

31-05-13, 11:35

I have actually had this before in my leg and my arm and I found that it was because I had kept in the same position for too long. Do you find if you move your leg it stops straight away?
Do mention it to your dr next time but I'm sure its fine because the first time I had it was years and years ago and I'm fine xxx

31-05-13, 12:33
that's happened to me many a time over the last couple of years,i get it at the top of my leg,not sure what causes it,the sensation is annoying and it is like a vibration I wouldn't worry about it,it hasn't done me any harm,hope this helps

31-05-13, 13:11
Thanks guys

Although its not consistent it seems to happen more after periods of activity, but there's no consistency in it, I'm hoping it's just some nerve damage ( I have terrible circulation, always have, and last year I actually had a collapsed arch on the same leg ) so that I'd be comfortable with...

Unfortunately combined with the billion-and-one other problems I'm having it just seems to be something to add to the list :(

31-05-13, 13:59
I have vibrations in my body as well - it is very annoying!!! And I am worrying about it as it started last year and it gradually grew to my full body. I wish it could go away. Hope your vibrating leg stops soon.

Starry xx

31-05-13, 22:43
I remember seeing a neuro 28 yrs ago with your exact same symptom. It was like someone was hitting a tuning fork and the vibration lasted a few seconds and did it on and off all day for months. Nothing was found.

I then realised that the day before it started I had sat on a bench with icy cold wind blowing on back of my leg. It took months to go away.

I have had it occasionally ever since like maybe 3 times a year in same leg but still nothing wrong neuro wise with me.

Also lumbar spine trouble can give you this. I have herniated discs in lower back and when my back is bad I get severe muscle twitching in legs as well.