View Full Version : smear test carnt get out of the house

02-10-06, 08:17
hiya,well had no sleep again,the problem is i need a smear test but cannot get to the doctors,i had a smear test 2 years ago and needed further treatment thats was bad enough but the panic attacks were something else,ive got a lot worse with panic attacks over the past year and cannot get outside i have now talked my self into thinking i have cervical cancer,my head is swimming i know i need one but the panic overtakes everything i had to be drugged up to the eyeballs to make an appointment with the dentist last month and never got there so ive lost confidence in talking tablets to calm me dowm before an appointment,i just dont know what to do

02-10-06, 09:06
I know the feeling sweetie, I have been due one since mid August and keep putting it off. I can only just manage to go doctors for an anxiety based problem never mind knowing I need to strip off, have that unpleasant thing done and then ge6t dressed again before I can leave. I guess the only thing I can say and its advice I should be listening to myself is that we must push ourselves to get this one little thing out of the way - rather that than worse symptoms later on (and subsequently more appointments). Sorry Ive not been much help!

02-10-06, 09:15
thanks for the reply,i going to ring the doctors and see what she says,she has been really good its just as soon as i ring the ball will be rolling and panic will set in big time but i know i need to get this sorted its so easy to say im going to do it,doing it is a different story

02-10-06, 09:49
Yes you can easily put this appt off mate until you feel a little stronger.

But I think you can do this - you could ring and explain how you are feeling and see if there is such a thing as a quietish time to have it done. You will only be there a very short time and just think how pleased you will be with yourself afterwards!!

Try and view it as a chance to practise dealing with situations. No one likes going for a smear but it's great to get it over and done with and not have it hanging over you!

Go girl you can do it! :D:D:D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-10-06, 11:14
my doctor has just rung me back,she is going to send 2 district nurses to my home to do the smear test,god i feel better allready,i know this is no cure but it helps me in the short run,my mental heath nurse is comming to see me on thursday hopefully she will be able to help me,i just wish id have got help years ago,big hugs to you all its so nice on here and all the kind words from you all is so nice also not thinking im alone with all these thoughts is a huge weight off my shoulders

02-10-06, 12:13
Hi Mumof 3

That's good. I know when I could not get out of the house a nurse came and gave me my flu jab. (Asthmatic). I did manage to get the doctor out once to review my asthma medication. However, I did have to write to him and say that I thought he was discriminating against me because I had a mental health problem and that if it was a medical emergency he would have come straight away. Failing that my daughter used to have to take time off work to take me to the doctors. I can now drive myself to the doctors. Don't dispair I thought that I would never be able to get out of my house but I started like piglet with baby steps - just walking as far as I could manage up my road. I can now walk around the block with my dog. Although I must admit that without the dog I do not think I could do it. I hope that I can give you some hope for the future.



02-10-06, 12:27
Well done mum3 - there is always a solution somewhere!

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.